Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why Indian companies work on National holidays??

Why Police takes money from companies who want to wrok on National holidays,, shameful for Police and Company owners!!!
Why Indian companies work on National holidays??
National holidays are holidays for Indian companies also. Actually it is shameful to Companies to work on National holidays. Without mentioning the names of the companies which are working on National holidays, it is not possible to give the correct reply. You can file complaint before the Registrar of Companies of the State in this case. The Registrar will take immediate steps to see that National holidays are strictly made applicable to the particular company also. You may also file complaint before the head of the Labour Department of the State.
Reply:Let them work at least on those days. The holiday concept is hard to understand unless it is just meant for a tired body and mind. Sunday is OK. The other days there is no meaning unless one engages in all seriousness sitting at home or out on the road singing peans or showing grief actively. If nothing is there to engage for the purpose for which the holiday is given let him or her work that again is good for the society.
Reply:Some companies like International call centres have to work even on National holidays. The call centre staff is entitled for only international holidays.

It would be certainly wrong if police takes money from such companies.
Reply:they think its the best way to contribute to the development of nation than to go home and listen to patriotic songs on tv
Reply:Working is associated with work load.

The owners or manager make this choices and worker usually respond favourably by showing up.

If police in you locality is taking money then it is a scam.
Reply:probably they feel like compensating for the 180 days holiday of the Government servants and 365 days holiday of our MP's and MLA's
Reply:Because they work more efficiently on National Holidays as they will get Over Time.

Police will work very flexibly and they are even capable of closing the Company even after taking the money.

Mostly, the Labour Department will supervise about this aspect than Police.
Reply:on national holiday all indian companies close if they work govt. give them penalty fees on them.

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