Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I am looking for the best national Home Warranty Service Company?

Home Warranty Service companies provide warranty on items like central a/c, heating,electrical,plumbing,appliances etc.
I am looking for the best national Home Warranty Service Company?
I was a realtor in a national real estate office a few years ago. We had four brochures for different home warranty companies in our office. I suggest that you contact any large real estate office and ask if they have these brochures (you might also ask two or three of them if they have any preferences and why). The prices do not vary by much from company to company and the services are usually about the same. The differences that I found were with the local companies that were subcontracted to do the work. The Warranty companies have local companies that contract with them to do the work. Sometimes the local companies are extremely prompt and other times the company may be 50 miles away and it may take days to get there and do the work. My experience with the company that we had was excellent, but ask a realtor in your area for some advice. They do not have an interest in the companies, but the packages are frequently added on as a sales tool when homes are on the market. Call a large company - they can give you the answers for your city. If you are buying one for your own home that you intend to keep - read the brochures thoroughly to see which ones best suit your needs. Some do not cover as much as others, yet as I said, the prices are all very similar. These are also renewable each year and are really a pretty good investment. We got our central heat fixed, some plumbing problems taken care of and a range replaced that could not be fixed (got a brand new one) in our first year after buying our home (an older home which came with the warranty). The year's warranty had cost the previous owner about $450 but saved us a whole lot more than that.

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