Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How much would I charge a large car company to use my artwork (a large painting) in their national commercial?

A car company has requested the use of a large painting, what are the base rates within the industry for using intellectual property such as this?
How much would I charge a large car company to use my artwork (a large painting) in their national commercial?
Ask your agent. If you don't have one, get one quickly. They wil guarantee that you'll get the fairest deal.
Reply:Usually, unknown artists have to pay THEM to have work exposed in a national commercial, since they will in effect be advertizing your product, too. You must have a very, very, very good agent...

The painting itself isn't "intellectual property", though the image may be...if the sale price on the painting was, say, $1000, there is nothing to stop the large car company from buying it for $1000 and doing whatever they want with it.

If they want to take the image and make multiple replicates of it, that's different...

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