Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can any one say me a textile multi national company(mnc) in india?

dear friend,

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Can any one say me a textile multi national company(mnc) in india?
i don't want indian textile companies. i want mncs. i'm not an importer or exporter or something. i'm a student of grade 8TH. i am doing a project on mncs in india.

anyway, thanx a lot. Report Abuse

Reply:Dear Mr. Student,

In this present Globalisation age, most of the Textile mills are Multinational.

Many Foreign Firms have entered India like Reid %26amp; Taylor. Similarly most of the prominent Indian Mills have their production units Overseas, thus eligible for the MNC tag.

For more details please contact the Confideration of Indian Textiles Industry ( CITI ) or visit their web site :-

Good luck.
Reply:If you know the full form of mnc and the state where it is

located in India, someone might be able to check and


Try to elaborate with whatever more information

you may have. This will be helpful.

Good luck
Reply:Reliance Industries Limited
jewish name

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