Sunday, May 23, 2010

Have you heard of a company called liberty national?

They have called me in for an interview on thursday and i dont know what to expect. I know they train agents, but dont you need a licence to sell insurance
Have you heard of a company called liberty national?
You most definitely need a license to sell insurance. The company probably provides training to prepare you to take the State examination. If you don't pass the examination you will not be selling insurance.

Having been in the insurance industry for many years I can tell you that life insurance is a tough career. If you are successful the financial rewards can be significant but those that are successful have spent many years learning their craft.

To be truly successful you need to sell to people with significant assets. That requires a thorough understanding of financial planning, tax laws and estate planning. a successful life insurance agent will work with the client's attorney and CPA, so you need to know what you are talking about.

Somebody said that their employers provide all the insurance they need so they will not buy insurance from you. That is flat wrong. Most people have a much greater need for life insurance than what is provided at work.

The problem for you is that most people will purchase an inexpensive term policy to supplement what their employer provides. From your standpoint inexpensive = low commission.

New agents try to sell to their friends and family but that well dries up pretty quickly. You need to have a steady stream of new prospects to make a living selling term insurance.
Reply:Liberty National Life Insurance Company, headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, traces its origin back to 1900 when its predecessor was founded as the Heralds of Liberty, a fraternal organization. In 1929 Liberty National was incorporated as a stock company

Reply:most reputable insurance companies will pay for your P %26amp; C licensing training and testing
Reply:They train you, but bad idea. Most people get insurance more inexpensively through their jobs. So not very many people will buy it from you.

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