Sunday, May 23, 2010

The entry of more and more multi national company in india , a benefit or a loss for india?

it is benefit, it gives good employment , raise many industries,bring big investments and high tech. knowledge

it also exports its goods to earn foreign exchange and also gives good quality goods to India.

but it in long time it may destroy the local industries. it is very serious one, the local industries heads up to face the challenge.

The entry of more and more multi national company in india , a benefit or a loss for india?
every coin has two sides. but it matters which side do u want to see.

i am seeing benefit side
Reply:Benefit for India but the same time thrice the benefit for the foreign countries.
Reply:i personally feel its a loss for india !!!! it has good effects too but overall it has more bad effects!!

our small time producers whu make these jeans or wtvr ..if mncs too come in b/w then suddenly their business tsops florusihing because mncs have a large network to reahc out more n more people and at times they sell cheap thingsso people buy their products and wt bout the small time workers ?? what about those whu r self employed but are now destroyed or not earning well becuz of sudden set-up of mncs???

also if the demand of workkers increases at a certain place the mncs actualy shift their compnay from that place leaveing the workers unemployed and there are no good rules being followed as the workers are not paid well and sometimes not paid for overtime ..and govt. doesnt take nay action as it wants globalisation and indias economy and exchange rate to floruish !!

also verious zones ..[they have a special name that m forgeting] are set up which have high electricity lush green areas and all modern facilities are specially created for these companies and there headpersons like chairman for this the poor and tribal is the one whu is displaced from these places ..and give very meagre compensation which isnt enuf for them to survive in india ..where money is power and money if life !!! give then all luxuxires and if the same amount of clectricy and water used to create that area was used for ouyr peopel whu are pverty struck or for those in thar desert providing them wid water then RIGHT NOW ME HERE WUDNT HV BEEN WORRIED THAT WT IF LIGHT GOES SUDDENLY AND THIS ANSWER ISNT FINISHED??

so i persoanly feel that these reasons may look small but are actualy the reason for umemployment and not good working conditions and a big obstacle in indias economy which includes welfare of poor to because poor is the one whu has 2 suffer the most

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