Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If an Irish national forms a USA company (an LLC) , can that person get funding in the USA or Ireland, or both?

The funding in question will be for a startup company.
If an Irish national forms a USA company (an LLC) , can that person get funding in the USA or Ireland, or both?
It would be legal to get funding in both countries. The lenders are private companies which have to decide if you will be a good risk. The risk is higher at the country where you don't have citizenship. If you flee after not paying the loan, there is little recourse for the lender. You will pay a higher interest rate..
Reply:Thank you both for your answers, I appreciate it. Report Abuse

Reply:Funding is usually only available for business that will benefit the Country it is based ..

However if you are Import/Export and employing both US and Irish citizens, then you would have a good case to apply for both ..

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