Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I would like to hear about people's experience with the National Scouting Report company or similar services.

My daughter is a talented high school athelete. I want her to have the best chance possible to play sports at the college level and get scholarship money. The National Scouting Report looks like a promising opportunity to help acheive our goals. I would like to hear comments, both positive and negative, from anyone who has used their service. I would also be interested in hearing opinions about the effectiveness in general of companies who provide shcolarship finding services for atheletics and academics.
I would like to hear about people's experience with the National Scouting Report company or similar services.
well i don't know anything about the national scouting report company, but my brother played basketball at a small high school. He was very good and had good stats but no scouts had really contacted him. he convinced our parents to try a video highlight company, and he was really impressed with the results... he sent off a dvd to like 5 or 6 colleges and got 3 scouts at his last few games. he probably wouldn't have had a chance to play, but since he did this he ended up with a half scholarship worth about 22 thousand dollars... my dad was pretty mad at first when the video cost like 400 dollars but he swears by the company we used now.
name common

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