Monday, October 12, 2009

Some weird company is debiting by National City bank account via electronic checks?

They arent authorized and ive successfully gotten the first 3 removed. They stopped for a month but now a company with a different name just debited my account.

I want to close my checking account and move to another bank.

Can I close my account? I've seen some unclear things that say there must be no activity for 30 days?

Can I place a block on the account to make it deposit only and then close it after those 30 days?

Disputing these charges is really a pain and I was told today that since there has already been 3 unauthroized transactions disputed, that the likelihood of successfully disputing any more is going way down.

Some weird company is debiting by National City bank account via electronic checks?
~~Ask for the fraudulent activity department for your bank. It sound like someone has gotten hold of your checking account information.

Different banks may have different rules, but with BofA and most of the ones I am familiar with, you have the right to close your account any time you want.

Someone in your bank needs to investigate whether their is foul play going on. Good luck!~~
Reply:You should be contacting the police for bank fraud. Also, go to your bank and talk to the operation manager.

The bank should be working on this matter and not you trying to resolve the problem yourself.

Long time ago my uncle and aunt would go to the bank to pay their mortgage payment. The teller would stamp their payment book and they would give her the cash. Two months later they got a letter in the mail saying that their house was going into foreclosure if they did not bring their payments current.

They took their payment book into the bank and went to the manager. The girl was stamping the book but not turning in the money. She was fired for something else the week before. The bank had to make good the missing money and transfer the funds to the mortgage company.

It could be a dishonest person working at the bank or the clearing house.

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