Monday, October 12, 2009

Yahoo!'s CEO has apologized for the company's role in the incarceration of a Chinese national?

Should a representative of Yahoo! Answers apologize to you for anything?
Yahoo!'s CEO has apologized for the company's role in the incarceration of a Chinese national?
i'm seconding Texters answer.... i too need an apology
Reply:for those stupid "coffee breaks" since when does a computer need a coffee break. I'm convinced they're really just trying to avoid me.

They made a flawed system that allows others to get hurt, that is something surely they should be working on correction of, not just appologizing for it but actually doing something about it or shutting the whole thing down. Are they responsible for the content on here, I say yes, do they do anything about it, I say more people of goodness are treated unfairly by the system than those who are on here to make trouble.

Everything I have seen has not been in any way to fix anything other than to create more of a problem that to me seems to be an endless book of views from everyone and everything. Are they responsible for what others do, I don't think so, are they responsible for who they target and how its used, I say yes. Is there an answer for this solution, the answer is that everyone on the system is part of the system and if one of us is doing something wrong then surely all of us have allowed it, including the creators of the system.
most popular name

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