Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I just reported my company to national immigration and customs...?

The company I work for hires people who they know are using other people's social security numbers.

Two people left for a few months (one for a whole year) and when they returned to work were using different names altogether. When I asked my manager why they had new names he laughed and said that they had to use different social security numbers so they were using new names so that we didn't get caught for employing them illegally.

I have also heard a couple of the workers talking about who can get their brothers SSN's so that they can come work here too.

SO....I called national immigration and customs today and reported what I know about my company.

What (if anything) should I expect to happen???
I just reported my company to national immigration and customs...?
First, let me congratulate you on doing your civic duty. You should be commended. Second, let me recommend another place for you to report your company it's:

They will report your employer to the FBI, the IRS and INS. You would be surprised how quickly that will result in a response. They also will list your company on their website as an employer of illegal aliens so that others can boycott them.

Hopefully, your company will be under surveillance as we speak and will be raided by next month. I hope you keep us posted!

Oh, and if your company should cause you any discomfort or distress over this, remember that there are now ways to make them "pay" for that too. Whistle blowers are often awarded top dollars in court settlements when they are harassed in the workplace or even fired. Make sure you keep them straight.
Reply:Some kind of investigation, I would assume

If the company is large, perhaps immediately...
Reply:HAHA wow and you work there to?they well they probly de-port the people working there and maybe send your boss to jail for helping them and knowing what they where doing.
Reply:maybe Ice will pay a visit maybe not..but if they find out YOU called and snitched you'll be looking for a new job....(BTW you did the right thing....)
Reply:LMAO if INS or ICE(Whatever name they call them selfs) does come to your company their going to shut it down. Good luck finding a new job buddy...if I were you I would of kept my mouth shut, minded my own bussiness, and worked for my family n I, and not worry about nobody else. Good luck sir.
Reply:Crime is EVERYBODY'S business. And illegal criminals aliens and their employers HAVE committed crimes. It's your duty as a patriotic American citizen to report all crime.
Reply:You're about to lose your job. Get a lawyer as soon as possible and know your rights. I think there is a law that can protect you. Google 'whistleblower protection' to find out.
Reply:Depends on your area.

Depends on who your company is paying off to ignore the situation.

Depends on how much your company is paying for local/state/federal officials to ignore the situation.

Sound cynical? It's reality.
Reply:Kudos to You!!! Stand up against illegals abusing our system. Identity theft is on the rise and now we have to buy insurance to protect us. They need to go!!!!

P.S. It is your business and I hope you told them anonymously so your job is not in jeopardy. If more people would stand up for our laws we would have less crime.
Reply:I love it when disgruntled employees rat out their employer.

Your employer will get a hefty fine, he will pay, possibly go out of business or move his operations to Mexico. You should expect to lose your job.
Reply:Well, I think either way, you shoud polish up your resume. If they catch wind of you reporting them, you will be gone, %26amp; if they are fined %26amp; shut down, you may want to have money to live on. Personally, I wouldn't want to work there, myself.

Good luck.
Reply:Well if your company does this and it's true,then they will be fined or shut down.
Reply:well done :)
Reply:You will probably be fired or mistreated sadly to say. Whistle blowers take a lot of flack for doing their duty to their country and those guys will not be deported but may fill your position I would guess.
Reply:Immediately, I would assume, nothing. It will take time to investigate the report. But, in an ideal world, if they found the statements true, the immigration service should take action against both the employer and the employees who violated our laws. Will it happen? Maybe--Maybe not
Reply:You did the right thing. Companies that break immigration laws need to be reported. I bet you sleep at night just fine.
Reply:Wow you're a snitch. Can't you let people work and live in peace.
Reply:Expect to get fired, lol do you really think it鈥檚 a big secret, it鈥檚 a scam and it鈥檚 not going to be enforced at all. But believe me that when they find out you told,you will be looking for a new job.
Reply:great panic, mass dash for the door, and probaly very little production one of these days real soon. o and a lot of mad people.way to go.

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