Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is Levis Company's stand on the National Rifle Association?

The NRA aside, Levi Strauss does support organisations such as PAX that strip us of the right to self-defence. Popular companies/celebrities/groups always attempt to sugar-coat gun control as “reasonable measures” to insure the safety of innocents, but the choice is theirs --and yours-- wouldn’t you rather see innocent people learn to defend themselves and watch crime rates plummet (as thugs will be running scared!), or would you rather see millions more assaults, rapes and murders? Go look in the mirror and ask yourself that.

One of my basic human rights is to defend myself, because, for instance, no man has the right to rape me. The power-hungry can say whatever they want to their fans or to the NRA (of which I am NOT a member), but the sad fact is, if they advocate gun control, they don’t care if you live or die.

That is why I don’t buy Levis.
What is Levis Company's stand on the National Rifle Association?
Last I knew Levis favors Gun Control but I dunno if they said anything to the NRA but the NRA definetly boycotts Levis for sure.

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