Saturday, October 24, 2009

National Modification Corp, is this company for legitmate?

Save your money! Survey said that 45% of these companies cannot change your monthly payment because the lender won't agree!

They don't do anything more than you can on your own! All they do is gather your finacials, assets and liabilities, and present the case to the lender. If the lender believes that lowering the interest rate (never the principal) will result in your staying current, they will do it. If they believe that you will still be unable to pay, they won't.

Real simple and straight forward.

BTW, did you know that 64% of loan modifications go to default within 6 months? All that does is delay the inevitable.
National Modification Corp, is this company for legitmate?
Loan modification companies are legitimate businesses, but you don't want to waste your time and money engaging one. First, they don't do anything that you yourself cannot do for free. Second, there is a growing list of lenders which are refusing to deal with such 'intermediary firms', working only directly with the borrower involved.

If you have having issues, contact the Loss Mitigation department at your lender to start the process of possibly modifying your mortgage loan to something more manageable. Be aware that you may or may not get what you are looking for, depending on your financial situation.

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