Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our Puffy National Embarassment, Al Gore, heads a company that sells carbon offsets. Is he the next PT Barnum?

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe, she said...

Gore is chairman of the firm and, presumably, draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he "buys" his "carbon offsets" from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy "carbon offsets" through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks.
Our Puffy National Embarassment, Al Gore, heads a company that sells carbon offsets. Is he the next PT Barnum?
Global Warming got you all heated up. Well my friend you need the New and Improved Al Gore Ice Age, just for men.

This revolutionary new treatment disregards millions of years of prior global warming and ice ages, and puts man at the center. Yes, you to, can be a part of the Al Gore Warming Trend, (just for men), become the Man that actually is the center of the universe that you always wanted to be in just seconds.

* This offer comes complete with carbon credits and a free Democratic National Committee Ice Chest. Not sold in any stores, so see your local chapter of the DNC today!
Reply:Al Gore is proof that fat Americans can still make movies. And that's about it.

He is also not a "National Embarrassment", as you call him.

Most of the world likes and admires Gore, unlike our current President.

That fact should be an embarrassment to The USA.

Teddy Roosevelt is rolling in his grave due to the Republicans failing to care for the environment.
Reply:Apparently neocons are all for "free enterprise" and private investment unless it's a Democrat who becomes an entrepreneur. Hypocrites!
Reply:I thought you were our greatest national embarrassment....Damn
Reply:Do you mean, as I fly my FA across the country, in a private jet, take a limo to an extreme energy consuming event, to pick up an award made from processed metal, chemically enhanced to appear gold, to earn mega-credits for doing so because I mention the term, "global warming"? Nahhh? It's just Al being "Al".
Reply:Are you surprised?!~!
Reply:Do you think this makes you seem like a good person? Because you are not.

Reply:My advise to others, listen not to what a man says, rather watch he actually does. If Al Gore is frightening you about global warming take my advice. If you see him boarding up his big house, if you see him park his private jet, if you see him carpooling, head for the hills! Otherwise, do not take anything he claims too seriously.

Imagine how much more information about global warming he has than you have. If he is still living carbon large, he must feel pretty comfortable doing so. This being the obvious case, do you think he is being truthful or not?


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