Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Last Wednesday a well known national gas company sent round a engineer to fit a mixer valve and do a safety...

inspection on the boiler. When he fitted the valve he didn't tighten the nut on the valve properly and when the water was turned on, it flooded the cupboard that contains the boiler. He then claimed it wasn't that at all and it was in fact a slow leak (which was disproved by two other engineers, one independent and one from the same company). He then proceeded to do the safety inspection on the boiler. On completion he said there was a small leak on the safety valve and places a plastic lid underneath it until it could be fixed. He then left. At this point my son came home (As I was about to leave the house) He went into the toilet where the boiler is just as the plastic lid caught fire.

The engineer was irresponsible, rude and could have cost my son his life and caused a house fire along with lying about the leak.

It has been suggested to me that I should seek compensation, what is the best way to go about this and how much am I likely to receive?
Last Wednesday a well known national gas company sent round a engineer to fit a mixer valve and do a safety...
This is a civil matter so wouldn't be investigated by the Police. The law and ethics section may provide a better answer.

I would suggest writing to the Gas company explaining what happened and asking for them to investigate the matter. That would be your best starting point.

I'm not suggesting that you would but make sure that you are not abusive in your letter or any phone calls as this will get you nowhere. Be to the point about what happened and how you felt as a result and explain that you feel very let down by their apparent lack of service and customer care.

Putting a complaint in writing is always the best way to do it as you then have some proof that you have complained. If you want to be really sure then send the letter by recorded delivery. If they don't respond, send another letter referring to the first with a copy enclosed.

If you aren't satisfied with the response that you get then write and tell them! The complaint will eventually be resolved if you 鈥榢eep at it鈥?

I have complained about a similar matter in the past with an 'engineer' who couldn't perform a simple central heating timer replacement. This resulted in compensation of the cost of the timer, that I had installed myself and an apology.

Good luck with it
Reply:Speak to your local trading standards office. Details at I used them when certain high street PC retailer messed me about and they were very helpful indeed. As soon as they got involved all of a sudden the shop became very helpful. Alternatively if you're looking for revenge how about going onto the BBC website and referring him to Rogue Traders, he might be doing this all the time.
Reply:Either hire a lawyer, or write to the company chairman directly
Reply:Negligence is the factor here,, Unless the fire destroyed your

home completely or left portions in shambles with great

expense to repair, and your son was injured Physically

by the incident, your not going to get a dime. I would advise

you to contact a local Hook em crook em and cheat em

ambulance chaser, they might address this issue, However

on the surface and to the extent you asked the Question

you have no case.

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