Wednesday, October 21, 2009

National insurance co-operation company of great britain?

has anyone in the uk ever heard of this insurance company if so please tell me how i can get in touch with them i have this address but i don't know if its real or fake can someone help find the answer to my question here is the address 166B Broadway,Wimbledon,london SW191Rx united kingdom i'm trying to verfied one of there money lenders who claims to be registered loan officer.
National insurance co-operation company of great britain?
National Insurance here in the UK is the government agency, now run by the Inland Revenue. As far as I know there is no company of the same name, although I could be wrong I would think that this is a scam.
Reply:this was a great answer thankyou Report Abuse

Reply:Hi, I think I would be very suspicous of this company. It sounds as if they are trying to defraud you.

I do know of a company called National Insurance and Guarantee Corporation Limited who are part of The Royal Bank of Scotland. They usually trade as ***. I don't know if they lend money.

Like I said, be very careful!!
Reply:some one setting you up national insurance is paid on the amount you earn by your employer be for you receive your wages,its good if your seeking work or ill and when you reach 65 you get your state pension it revolves around your income so if you have a income this is set around it ,if your income and that of your partner is in excess of the benefit then you will not get any if you have no income you can plus other benefits like council tax and rent, payment is allowed for mortgage interest help with medication when ill,glasses
Reply:I will try and find out.......
Reply:do you mean national insurance guarantee co operation?

if so 145 city rd



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