Saturday, October 24, 2009

I got suspended with out pay for cold calling a company who was on the national do not call list. ?

I had no way of knowing that they were on the list. it was my first time calling the company. My company does not have the tools available for me to have check the number before i called but the business owner called in to managers and then sales manager suspended me without pay
I got suspended with out pay for cold calling a company who was on the national do not call list. ?
I think you have a good legal case. If your job involves soliciting others over the phone, it's your employer's responsibility to provide you with a current Do Not Call list, unless you agreed to obtain that yourself prior to your employment.
Reply:It's not your fault ~ the company didn't give you the necessary "tools" to be able to check if the company was on the list ~ its the company that "bought" the list in the first place, and they should have made sure that any number registered was deleted, or have their computers programmed to check numbers before you dial ~ you have an argument here, and should talk to the Sales Manager ~ or go to the CAB, and get free advice from a trained solicitor.
Reply:I guess you need a lawyer? Maybe go complaining to the press? If the company did in fact give you the number to begin with they have no right to fire you. Maybe you should go questioning human resources.
Reply:Good, wish it happened to the people that keep calling me. Perhaps you should consider getting a job that doesn't annoy others.
Reply:Swines! Have it out with them and threaten them with going to the press! Good luck.


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