Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is team national a legit company?

is team national a scam
Is team national a legit company?
This Eric H character is just brain washed. He dont have no downline making $60,000 a year and he certainly don't make the money he claims...SCAM....

$2,000 to join...? give me a break ...

Hey, if you are in the market for big ticket items or you have a business where you buy and purchase a lot over and over...sure you can save money, but my problem is these vultures will attempt to recruit you ANYWAY even after they know you are not going to buy cars, boats,furniture etc. Why...because they get a big cut of that $2,000 you are forking out up front...! yea.

I attended the o'l rented motel ball room meeting they throwed...I saw right through the mud. All those confusing slides and person after person after person rattle on about how much they have saved ...blah...blah.

They spent an HOUR on this and then speed through what I would call the REAL meat..."How can this work for me and How can "I" make money.?

Their reply...."Oh just sign up before you leave and we will come visit you one- on - one with all the details"

OH - --by the way, invite a friend for when I come over to exlplain it all, I can let them listen to 4 or 5 pre-recorded calls"......Sign here, heres a pen...!Sign here, heres a pen...! Sign here, heres a pen...!

Oh yea - I challenge you to ask the person recruiting you "How much do YOU make and how did YOU get there?...they will hem /haw and say "I am not allowed by company policy to disclose this"....BS

Look ...the short answer is will continuously give them money...
Reply:I joined Team National in 2000. I've saved much more than it cost me to join. Therefore, in my case, it would have been a bad business decision for me not to be a member.

I also took advantage of their optional earnings program.

In July of 2005, I had generated enough weekly income that I was able to walk away from my job as a truck driver. I quit that job the same week my first child came into the world and am now a stay home dad.

Currently, I'm making around $60,000 a year with the company.

I'm proud to say that there are literally dozens of people in my downline making anywhere from $50,000 to 350,000 a year.

So, anyone who says this is not for real is full of crap.

I've read all sorts of inaccurate info on this board about TN. Get the facts before you right it off. (This means YOU Steve D!)
Reply:I've never heard of it. Check with your Better Business Bureau to find out for sure. All ligititmate business people are listed with them.

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