Monday, October 12, 2009

Is the New York Times Company, a multi-national corporation, a front for the leftist apparat in America?

It seems that The New York Times Company, a multinational corporation that is failing as a business, doesn't know when to stop printing its journalistic ineptness and leftist propaganda.

Advertisers are dropping their contracts with the NYT like poop that drops in the toilet. And yet, NYT doesn't get it!

Most Americans do not want a leftist bias to the coverage and analysis of their news. Americans like our system, the largest and longest work in progress democracy on planet earth, and particularly do not like dishonest and biased copy disguised as journalism.

Imo, marxist-socialism was not a utopian dream, it was a prescription for systematic poltical corruption and oppression of the masses.

If others here wish to comment, please do.
Is the New York Times Company, a multi-national corporation, a front for the leftist apparat in America?
You're absolutely correct. It's amazing how the news is spun in the NYT. Very Left. And any news that could be perceived as positive for the Right, is often never published or buried on page 36 or something - as with terrorist plots foiled before they were carried out. The front page of the NYT is the opinion page.
Reply:The New York Times single handed gave Cuba to Castro( it was Hubert Matthews article which was a bold face lie that renewed Castro's push to Havana) and since then they have had a left stance on the news but do not get mad at just NYT there are alot of other news organizations that do the same thing

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