Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Company named National Foreclosure Relief 10120 S. Eastern Ave. Suite 200 Henderson, NV 890052?

phone number 866-389-4244 are they a legitimate business
Company named National Foreclosure Relief 10120 S. Eastern Ave. Suite 200 Henderson, NV 890052?
There are hundreds of companies with legitimate sounding names like this that all steal your home and ruin your credit. They live off our misery.

If you need help in a foreclosure call the mortgage company or if your loan is FNMA call them or if it is FHA call HUD. Do not sign up with a "Foreclosure relief company" it will make things even more miserable than they are right now!
Reply:That is very true that they are tons of companies out their that are not looking for the best interest of the homeowner. However there are companies that provide a legitimate service. I recently almost went into foreclosure myself but this company call was able to help me ou Report Abuse

Reply:National Foreclosure relief is a rip off!!!! When you call they tell you how they are gonna help you but don't really deliver anything. Everything they do you could do yourself, don't waste your money!!!!!! Report Abuse

Reply:I am not sure about this particular company, but there are a lot of companies that work very hard to save people's homes and are successful. I work with a company like this. Loan modifications take a lot of work and you need a lot of experience, determination, and creativity to save a home. Report Abuse

Reply:They are likely one of the many "WE BUY HOUSES" companies out there. What they all do is find out how much you owe on the house, the condition of it, its' true market value and if it is in their best interest, they will pay you a grand or two above your loan amount enabling you to avoid foreclosure and still have a few bucks in your pocket to move and get an apartment. If you are in dire straights, it isn't a bad deal. But if you have more time, it is better to try to sell it with a Realtor (to clear more money after the sale).
Reply:check to see if they are registered with the B.B.B. if they are they may be all right.
Reply:Look at my company we have been doing this for over 25 years handling fore closers we are a real estate firm and mortgage company.

if you are interested in saving homes send me a email to

I can not talk about my company because of yahoo

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