Saturday, October 24, 2009

Should we believe over THE NATIONAL LOTTERY UK or is it a fake company?

Dont believe it. According to emails I have received from them, I have won this lottery around 50 times. I put it in my scam folder along with all the emails wanting to give me money because a rich person has died.
Should we believe over THE NATIONAL LOTTERY UK or is it a fake company?
Sorry friend but there is no internet 颅e-mail lottery, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information.

.Also If you go to the following link you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful
Reply:To get it you must give your bank account number for it to be put into whereby they clean you out with a happy smile.

I've won some 35 million $ but I let them keep it. Replying to it or any may get you on a list for more fake winnings.

Nobody can win a lottery without entering it first.

If you send me only $1000 security deposit I will give you a deed to own all of England but then all its problems may be yours too unless you send me another thousand to save you from that.

If you dont like England I'll even refund all your money.
Reply:The National Lottery is a 100% legitimate lottery based in the UK.

However, there are thousands of spam email sent out every day from people pretending to represent them. These are all bogus.

The only way to win the lottery in the UK, is to buy a ticket and then get lucky. There is no lottery in the world that pays random people who have not paid to play.
Reply:Thats a big scam. They just want you to send them your name address, phone numbers, e-mails, and anything else they can trick you out of.
Reply:it is definitely fake! some of those are money laundering for drugs, some are just trying to get information about you
Reply:it is scam of course

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