Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Title company I work for has begun pulling all its money out of National City because they fear it will?

fail. They're putting it in local banks that don't do mortgages. How bad is this going to get?
The Title company I work for has begun pulling all its money out of National City because they fear it will?
Thanks for the tip. Let me go close my account there right now.

And to answer your question, yeah, this is going to get much worse. There's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that we common-folk don't know about, and won't know about, until it splashes across the front page.

I wish there were some lobbying group out there looking out for us!
Reply:Well, considering that they are no longer servicing Student Loans right now, I'd imagine that it'll get much much worse. It all depends on how many Credit and Mortgage accounts are going into Collections. If they are not getting their debt replayed by the consumer, because of the condition of the Credit Market, then they're in for a pretty bumpy ride. However, I don't think National City will go under. They pretty much jumped onto the Credit Situation when it became a real problem.
Reply:That sounds like bad news.

I think people are just gullible enough to panic.

It's like the liberals being fearful that global warming will kill them; but Mohammed Atta is completely harmless.
Reply:No one knows for sure how bad this will get. Economists have been saying for a while that the economy will get substantially worse before it gets better.
Reply:Democrat will save us, Sofie is a name of a comedian,
Reply:Sofie, If what you posted is true, and if your boss finds out, you are history. Use some common sense!

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