Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Can a company insist on providing them with a National Insurance number on a application form.?

According to the UK law ................ Yes.
Can a company insist on providing them with a National Insurance number on a application form.?
Insurance number is a requirement for application in a job so that the employee and the employer will be protected from any costs arising from accidents or death of the former.
Reply:Why wouldn't you want to provide it? Have you got something to hide?!
Reply:The employer will need to have a NI number off you for tax purposes.

without don't exsist.
Reply:Yes as they must pay your stamp if your employed.
Reply:only illegal people in the uk do NOT have one ........... dont you. it is the way companys know if they are employing a uk legal worker or an illegal worker and it is the law.
Reply:Yes. It is illegal to work without one so they are entitled to ask at any stage.

If you are in the process of getting one, then say so and they might take official notification of your application in lieu.
Reply:its a legal requirment for them to ask
Reply:They usually do but it is more important really that they have the NI number when you START working with them to allocate with your pay.

If they say it's for eligibility to work, they will need to see a passport with associated work permits etc because, strangely, having an NI number does not prove your right to work in the UK on its own.
Reply:Yip. Then they know you are not illegal.

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