Saturday, October 24, 2009

Is Fox News and the National Enquirer owned by the same company?

It seems to me that they have the same sort of following, mentally dimminished people that believe anything that is said by these to news sourse's. What do you say Repuke's are you a faux news junkie and read the National Enquirer to back up your idiocy.
Is Fox News and the National Enquirer owned by the same company?
My mother is unfortunately brainwashed into a Bill O'Reilly loving idiot. She believes every word that comes out of his mouth, and it's sickening.

Here's something that happened the other day:

I was walking past my mother (who was, of course, watching Bill O'Reilly), and I noticed a commercial that said the whole "Fair and Balanced" thing.

I said, "Bill is as fair and balanced as a man named Shaky giving a trophy to the worst in class." She didn't get it of course, so I said, "He's the worst guy on the news because everything he says is his own opinion, and he fights to the end if someone thinks otherwise. He says that THEY are wrong. Um, excuse me, Bill, but aren't you supposed to just report the news? You're not supposed to force your ideas and false beliefs down other people's throats."

So, you know what my mother says? She says, "Missi, you're so left."

"It's not like left is wrong, " I said, and (of course) she tells me that left is wrong.

So, I told her, "at least I think when I'm getting caught up on the news." Then, I left the kitchen and went to my room to listen to NPR (which has incredibly good news).

So, that may not answer your question, but that's my thought about FOX. They aren't fair. They aren't balanced. And they're liers.

Yes, I went there. lol.

Reply:actually diminished is spelled as such rather than 'dimminished' just for those of you who are not. no actually the national enquirer is owned by know those democraps and liberalnutcases....

sounds silly doesn't it, kind of like your post...let me ask you why do all liberals and democrats think name calling makes them appear more intelligent, why do they do that anyway...most people agree, whether they are democrat or republican that those who throw bombs and resort to immature name calling do so because they just have no argument. they are like petulant children saying 'nah,nah, nah, nah....nah, nah'
Reply:You also spelled sources wrong

gonna cry some more??


That's what I thought you'd say Liberal Swine.BOOHOO Thanks for once again proving me right
dog names

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