Saturday, October 24, 2009

National Agent Alliance? Is it a good company to work for?

I have my Life and Health license, does anyone know the best Insurance Company to work for? I am a hard worker that wants to help people and make some money in the proccess. Thanks!
National Agent Alliance? Is it a good company to work for?
National Agents Alliance is more like a marketing group of independent insurance agents who specialize in Mortgage protection,Life insurance,Disability coverage and retirement planning useing insurance products like indexed annuities and Universal life. They will train you in the products that you choose to sell and be a support network for questions. I enjoy it because I have support but I run my own business. They also have an in house direct marketing leads program that is excellent. Contact me for any questions.
Reply:I am with NAA and it's a great company. You can make good money, even GREAT money with them but you will work for it. But if you treat it like a career and work hard at building your business, it can really be a great living. Report Abuse

Reply:Excellent company to work for! Both my parents work for them and have seen very satisfying results. Great pay, self-employed, what more can you ask for! Contact me if you would like more information.


Which company is the best American Home Shield or Fidelity National Home Warranty?

I insured with American Home Shield for my home warranty this year, and it went well. Recently, I got an offer from Fidelity National Home Warranty with the same coverage, but the price is $100 lower than American Home Shield's. I don't know which company is the best in the home warranty field. Please help me to make up my mind since my contract will expire in three weeks. Thank you!
Which company is the best American Home Shield or Fidelity National Home Warranty?
when i sold real estate no complaints came from ahs clients.

i don't know of the other co.

I got suspended with out pay for cold calling a company who was on the national do not call list. ?

I had no way of knowing that they were on the list. it was my first time calling the company. My company does not have the tools available for me to have check the number before i called but the business owner called in to managers and then sales manager suspended me without pay
I got suspended with out pay for cold calling a company who was on the national do not call list. ?
I think you have a good legal case. If your job involves soliciting others over the phone, it's your employer's responsibility to provide you with a current Do Not Call list, unless you agreed to obtain that yourself prior to your employment.
Reply:It's not your fault ~ the company didn't give you the necessary "tools" to be able to check if the company was on the list ~ its the company that "bought" the list in the first place, and they should have made sure that any number registered was deleted, or have their computers programmed to check numbers before you dial ~ you have an argument here, and should talk to the Sales Manager ~ or go to the CAB, and get free advice from a trained solicitor.
Reply:I guess you need a lawyer? Maybe go complaining to the press? If the company did in fact give you the number to begin with they have no right to fire you. Maybe you should go questioning human resources.
Reply:Good, wish it happened to the people that keep calling me. Perhaps you should consider getting a job that doesn't annoy others.
Reply:Swines! Have it out with them and threaten them with going to the press! Good luck.


Is there a national lottery company in niagara falls, new york?


Has anyone successfully sued a multi national drugs company?

recently olanzapine have told patients that some batches have been tampered with. is there any redress from the drugs company?

some of my patients symptoms have become worse.
Has anyone successfully sued a multi national drugs company?
There are lawsuits against drug companies all the time. The Vioxx and Phen Phen lawsuits are just one example.

Our Puffy National Embarassment, Al Gore, heads a company that sells carbon offsets. Is he the next PT Barnum?

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe, she said...

Gore is chairman of the firm and, presumably, draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he "buys" his "carbon offsets" from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy "carbon offsets" through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks.
Our Puffy National Embarassment, Al Gore, heads a company that sells carbon offsets. Is he the next PT Barnum?
Global Warming got you all heated up. Well my friend you need the New and Improved Al Gore Ice Age, just for men.

This revolutionary new treatment disregards millions of years of prior global warming and ice ages, and puts man at the center. Yes, you to, can be a part of the Al Gore Warming Trend, (just for men), become the Man that actually is the center of the universe that you always wanted to be in just seconds.

* This offer comes complete with carbon credits and a free Democratic National Committee Ice Chest. Not sold in any stores, so see your local chapter of the DNC today!
Reply:Al Gore is proof that fat Americans can still make movies. And that's about it.

He is also not a "National Embarrassment", as you call him.

Most of the world likes and admires Gore, unlike our current President.

That fact should be an embarrassment to The USA.

Teddy Roosevelt is rolling in his grave due to the Republicans failing to care for the environment.
Reply:Apparently neocons are all for "free enterprise" and private investment unless it's a Democrat who becomes an entrepreneur. Hypocrites!
Reply:I thought you were our greatest national embarrassment....Damn
Reply:Do you mean, as I fly my FA across the country, in a private jet, take a limo to an extreme energy consuming event, to pick up an award made from processed metal, chemically enhanced to appear gold, to earn mega-credits for doing so because I mention the term, "global warming"? Nahhh? It's just Al being "Al".
Reply:Are you surprised?!~!
Reply:Do you think this makes you seem like a good person? Because you are not.

Reply:My advise to others, listen not to what a man says, rather watch he actually does. If Al Gore is frightening you about global warming take my advice. If you see him boarding up his big house, if you see him park his private jet, if you see him carpooling, head for the hills! Otherwise, do not take anything he claims too seriously.

Imagine how much more information about global warming he has than you have. If he is still living carbon large, he must feel pretty comfortable doing so. This being the obvious case, do you think he is being truthful or not?


Is there any company call "NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMTED(NOGL)UK" exist at 4 Wendy Ramon street ES5S WRN london?

National Oil And Gas Limited (NOGL)and Partners has the mandate to procure technical and expatriate labour to complement local personnel and contractors in series of project presently about to commence by National Oil And Gas Limited (NOGL), and the Chevron Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Joint Venture known as the LNG Plus project.
Is there any company call "NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMTED(NOGL)UK" exist at 4 Wendy Ramon street ES5S WRN london?
You might get an answer, if you asked in Yahoo! United Kingdom Answers. Just click on the flag at the bottom of the page and you are there.

National Agents Alliance, is this a good company to work for?

First of all, you won't be working for National Agents Alliance. They are merely a lead generation company that sell leads to agents. There are good insurance companies they represent.

I did not have a good experience with NAA because the leads were overpriced for what they were. I did sell a few policies through their leads, but most weren't really that good.

This was a few years ago. Things may have changed since then.
scientific name

Cornerstone National Insurance Company, Nigeria?

kindly tell me if there is a genuine branch of Cornerstone National Insurance Company in Nigeria, since I got job offer from the same.
Cornerstone National Insurance Company, Nigeria?
Since you posted this to the USA board, it's not likely anyone here will know.
Reply:1. I think it is a scam. Most e-mail from Nigeria is scams. Most job offers sent to persons who do not even know if the employer exists are scams.

2. If you want to be sure contact Conerstone National Insurance Company. You may do so via electronic mail at Or if you prefer, call 888.735.5764 toll free during their normal business hours of 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (except holidays).
Reply:I think it is a scam also... unsolicited job offers are always scams..


To Avoid scams here is what i tell people...

All spam emails/unsolicited phone calls/letters and faxes are scams.

As a general rule - ANYTHING involving Western Union/money gram = Scam.

my Advice: Don't deal with anyone from a foreign country or Accept checks from strangers and never use wire/bank transfer services.. you risk losing your $$ and your mind.

Remember, if it sounds too good

to be true, it probably is! NEVER(ever) give out your personal information to strangers online or offline! Always be on guard.





Trying to find out the history of the National Art Company of N.Y.?;lr=%26amp;s...

Can a non-canadian (a national of the Netherlands) own a 100% of a company in Alberta?

Do you have a source?

Where can I read this info?

Thank you very much!
Can a non-canadian (a national of the Netherlands) own a 100% of a company in Alberta?

Canada is not one of the countries that would require you to "hire" a local owner.

However, if you do plan on doing this, spend a couple of months in Alberta, getting to know the people, and hire a VERY good book keeper and lawyer to watch-out for your interests.

Is Euro-PW Lotto Sweepstake National International Internet extra award program A legit company?

I received an email from them saying that I won something and i was wanting to know if their a real company? they didnt have a telephone # on the email either.
Is Euro-PW Lotto Sweepstake National International Internet extra award program A legit company?
No, it's probably a scam.

(Why would they be reluctant to put contact information in the letter? What are they trying to hide?)
family name

Which Gwent Manufacturing company made the national press in 2000 when its best selling product was featured?

Gwent is in South Wales!
Which Gwent Manufacturing company made the national press in 2000 when its best selling product was featured?
If you tell me the product, or the name of the movie that would help.
Reply:Are you doing th Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust quiz by any chance! I need this answer too!

Is the nba (national basketball assocation) a publically traded company?

and if so does anyone know their ticker symbol

or the NFL or MLB for that matter
Is the nba (national basketball assocation) a publically traded company?
no, the NBA is not publicly traded
Reply:I believe that they are not publically traded...i do know that the American Basketball Association (ABA) is.
Reply:No professional sports teams/associations/leagues are publicly traded. Sorry

I am certify as a national medical coder and would like to be able to work at home does any one know a company

There are real job listings on this website, some are remote (work from home).

Isn't National Heritage Insurance Company following the same directive created by its former corporate head?
Isn't National Heritage Insurance Company following the same directive created by its former corporate head?
dog names

National Modification Corp, is this company for legitmate?

Save your money! Survey said that 45% of these companies cannot change your monthly payment because the lender won't agree!

They don't do anything more than you can on your own! All they do is gather your finacials, assets and liabilities, and present the case to the lender. If the lender believes that lowering the interest rate (never the principal) will result in your staying current, they will do it. If they believe that you will still be unable to pay, they won't.

Real simple and straight forward.

BTW, did you know that 64% of loan modifications go to default within 6 months? All that does is delay the inevitable.
National Modification Corp, is this company for legitmate?
Loan modification companies are legitimate businesses, but you don't want to waste your time and money engaging one. First, they don't do anything that you yourself cannot do for free. Second, there is a growing list of lenders which are refusing to deal with such 'intermediary firms', working only directly with the borrower involved.

If you have having issues, contact the Loss Mitigation department at your lender to start the process of possibly modifying your mortgage loan to something more manageable. Be aware that you may or may not get what you are looking for, depending on your financial situation.

Isn't National Heritage Insurance Company exactly what is wrong with medicare?
Isn't National Heritage Insurance Company exactly what is wrong with medicare?

Has anyone found out yet if Ellson national finance is a legitimate company they ask for secured money up fron

If you are unsure, check out their Better Business Bureau rating.
Has anyone found out yet if Ellson national finance is a legitimate company they ask for secured money up fron

Never pay money upfront in order to secure a loan.

Here is what to watch for:

1) If they contacted you by email or through any message board, they are a SCAMMER.

2) If they are using a web based email address (Yahoo!, gmail, Hotmail, etc.) they are a SCAMMER.

3) If they ask you to pay ANY money upfront, they are a SCAMMER.

Is Fox News and the National Enquirer owned by the same company?

It seems to me that they have the same sort of following, mentally dimminished people that believe anything that is said by these to news sourse's. What do you say Repuke's are you a faux news junkie and read the National Enquirer to back up your idiocy.
Is Fox News and the National Enquirer owned by the same company?
My mother is unfortunately brainwashed into a Bill O'Reilly loving idiot. She believes every word that comes out of his mouth, and it's sickening.

Here's something that happened the other day:

I was walking past my mother (who was, of course, watching Bill O'Reilly), and I noticed a commercial that said the whole "Fair and Balanced" thing.

I said, "Bill is as fair and balanced as a man named Shaky giving a trophy to the worst in class." She didn't get it of course, so I said, "He's the worst guy on the news because everything he says is his own opinion, and he fights to the end if someone thinks otherwise. He says that THEY are wrong. Um, excuse me, Bill, but aren't you supposed to just report the news? You're not supposed to force your ideas and false beliefs down other people's throats."

So, you know what my mother says? She says, "Missi, you're so left."

"It's not like left is wrong, " I said, and (of course) she tells me that left is wrong.

So, I told her, "at least I think when I'm getting caught up on the news." Then, I left the kitchen and went to my room to listen to NPR (which has incredibly good news).

So, that may not answer your question, but that's my thought about FOX. They aren't fair. They aren't balanced. And they're liers.

Yes, I went there. lol.

Reply:actually diminished is spelled as such rather than 'dimminished' just for those of you who are not. no actually the national enquirer is owned by know those democraps and liberalnutcases....

sounds silly doesn't it, kind of like your post...let me ask you why do all liberals and democrats think name calling makes them appear more intelligent, why do they do that anyway...most people agree, whether they are democrat or republican that those who throw bombs and resort to immature name calling do so because they just have no argument. they are like petulant children saying 'nah,nah, nah, nah....nah, nah'
Reply:You also spelled sources wrong

gonna cry some more??


That's what I thought you'd say Liberal Swine.BOOHOO Thanks for once again proving me right
dog names

has anyone out there heard of a company called national?

correction....national homeworkers assoc. in eugene oregon?
has anyone out there heard of a company called national?
I've heard of them. Not that familiar with them. As far as I know they are legit.

Is schneider national a good company to drive for?

I'm not a truck driver, but I have heard they are one of the best.
Is schneider national a good company to drive for?
Wonderful school. Best around if you ask me and hubby. BUT after the hire on/school contact is up LEAVE!

Don't get stuck there! Unless you like never being home, getting low pay, and being lied to. Report Abuse

Reply:I am a driver for Schneider. It depends on where you are from and what area you want to drive. Report Abuse

Should we believe over THE NATIONAL LOTTERY UK or is it a fake company?

Dont believe it. According to emails I have received from them, I have won this lottery around 50 times. I put it in my scam folder along with all the emails wanting to give me money because a rich person has died.
Should we believe over THE NATIONAL LOTTERY UK or is it a fake company?
Sorry friend but there is no internet 颅e-mail lottery, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information.

.Also If you go to the following link you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful
Reply:To get it you must give your bank account number for it to be put into whereby they clean you out with a happy smile.

I've won some 35 million $ but I let them keep it. Replying to it or any may get you on a list for more fake winnings.

Nobody can win a lottery without entering it first.

If you send me only $1000 security deposit I will give you a deed to own all of England but then all its problems may be yours too unless you send me another thousand to save you from that.

If you dont like England I'll even refund all your money.
Reply:The National Lottery is a 100% legitimate lottery based in the UK.

However, there are thousands of spam email sent out every day from people pretending to represent them. These are all bogus.

The only way to win the lottery in the UK, is to buy a ticket and then get lucky. There is no lottery in the world that pays random people who have not paid to play.
Reply:Thats a big scam. They just want you to send them your name address, phone numbers, e-mails, and anything else they can trick you out of.
Reply:it is definitely fake! some of those are money laundering for drugs, some are just trying to get information about you
Reply:it is scam of course

Deutch Sol Agency is there a company in london that represents the national lottery named camelot?

Iwas contacted by George White at Natwest Bank PLC.U.K. saying I won 891,934 Pounds in the national lottery drawing but I have to send 550 Pounds to open a bank account to get my winnings transferred to the U.S. is this on the up and up or a scam ?
Deutch Sol Agency is there a company in london that represents the national lottery named camelot?
Yes it's a scam alrighty.

Reply:Ah, I see there has been another mistake in the email department.

Don't send them the money, contact me and I will only charge 拢500 for exactly the same service.

You don't get out much, do you?
Reply:I'd really try to meet this chap personally so i could bite off his nose
Reply:It is scam. Yahoo (insert any company name here, this answer works for all!) do not run an email lottery, if they did you could guarantee it would be advertised all over their home page. Check out these links and search answers to see how many people 'win' the exact same lottery every day

Do not click on any links, the page you will be taken to will look authentic but is not

Do not send them a 'courier fee' or any other money

Do not hand over any bank details or passwords

Do report spam

Do delete

Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch. You cannot win a lottery if you haven ot bought a ticket. Anyone can set up an email account with Yahoo, they can use any combination of letters they choose. I could be '' or '' That doesn't mean that I am either of these and is fine as long as I don't try to use the address to mislead people. Don't be fooled by legitimate looking email addresses which end the same way as any other free account, don't be fooled by fictitious titles such as 'Dr' or 'Executive Director of Winner Claims'.

(I've answered this question so many times that I now keep this answer on my desktop and just copy and paste....that should give you a clue!)

Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news.
Reply:I was contacted as well, I would not send them the money. I am concerned that they ask for the valid id number as well.DEUTCH SOL AGENCY . A division of Overseassecuritiesbvorg.

(Representative, security, marketing, cooperate investment agent).


26 Stanhope RoadBest wishes,

Fred Martins

Foreign Services Manager,

Payment and Release order





Kent CT14 6AD London

United Kingdom

Is this what it looked like?
fantasy name

Confirmation of British National Oil Company UK.?

I received appointment letter from British National Oil Company, a Petroleum Engineer. He demanded 1050 ponds as processing fee for visa , its is fake or true Please guide me.....
Confirmation of British National Oil Company UK.?
This is a scam. Do not send any money. There is no job. This is a scam.

Do a Google search on "british national oil company"+scam for information on many other people who have been targeted by this same scam.
Reply:A really obvious scam so carry on with your life. There is no such company.



You did not enter the UK Lottery so you can't have won it.

The UK Lottery does not e-mail winners. You have to collect your winnings from their office.The Phone number is a personnel number and can be diverted to any phone in the world.

Delete the e-mail you received, this will only end up costing you money.
I would say a scam to be honest. If you go over to and ask they will be able to tell you for definite.

Who is mohamed iliaz a. kureshi of emirates national oil company?

Who cares who he is man, but Dubai is the bomb party town in the middle east. All the babes from europe and and u.s. go this guys back yard to party down. Oh man if i had money i would visit Dubai and partyyyyyyy down. Love that oil money. oh ya

National Insurance Agency A good company to work for?

Never heard of 'em.
name common

National Wholesale Company?

Has anyone else been scamed by this company. If not DUE NOT PAY FOR THERE SERVICE!
National Wholesale Company?
Yes... they have been ripping off people for a long time. Look here:

A company sent my name to national credit department to be black listed for no reason can i sue them?

i ordered some stuff from this company, i wanted to finace it but i cancled the order b'cos this good was not delieverd on time. after 2 years my credit report shows that i have 拢2500 unpaid dept.
A company sent my name to national credit department to be black listed for no reason can i sue them?
YOU CAN SUE FOR ANYTHING, BAR NONE! However, if you can show there is no good reason for their untrue and negative written statement about you they shared with another party, then you have good grounds for a liable suit. Further, if you can show you have suffered injury or damages as a result, then you have a very strong case.

WARNING: The courts are secretly biased towards corporations and lawyers/barristers will only take you for your money. If you want to persue this I would do it myself or retain on a strict contingency basis only.
Reply:Dont think you can sue. You will have to work out with company.
Reply:you can't cancel an order after it has been shipped

Is there an old insurance company called washington national. last known in illionois in 1977?

this wpuld be life insurance policies
Is there an old insurance company called washington national. last known in illionois in 1977?
Washington National Ins Co

Address: 1750 E Golf Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173

Phone: (847) 995-0400
Reply:historical companies usally keep track of stuff like this

they do in pa if the company is older than 50 yrs old

most of them are

Does the company called national oil & gas limited in UK exists?

Does the company called national oil %26amp; gas limited in UK exists?
Google or Yahoo search it!

Reply:no idea
girl name

Is National City Bank a good company to work for?

It is a professionally managed organization with excellent systems !!

They are involved in Personal Banking,Business Banking,Commercial Banking and also involved in Providing comprehensive, integrated wealth management solutions to affluent individuals and their families.

It is one of the top ten financial institutions in the country.

Is their any company named as trans national diplomatic services 5, virginia street, ever ton city london?

the exact address of the company is as follows



5 virginia- street, everton city, london E91 1XY, UNITED KINGDOM.
Is their any company named as trans national diplomatic services 5, virginia street, ever ton city london?
yeah, James Bond works there
name latin

The Title company I work for has begun pulling all its money out of National City because they fear it will?

fail. They're putting it in local banks that don't do mortgages. How bad is this going to get?
The Title company I work for has begun pulling all its money out of National City because they fear it will?
Thanks for the tip. Let me go close my account there right now.

And to answer your question, yeah, this is going to get much worse. There's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that we common-folk don't know about, and won't know about, until it splashes across the front page.

I wish there were some lobbying group out there looking out for us!
Reply:Well, considering that they are no longer servicing Student Loans right now, I'd imagine that it'll get much much worse. It all depends on how many Credit and Mortgage accounts are going into Collections. If they are not getting their debt replayed by the consumer, because of the condition of the Credit Market, then they're in for a pretty bumpy ride. However, I don't think National City will go under. They pretty much jumped onto the Credit Situation when it became a real problem.
Reply:That sounds like bad news.

I think people are just gullible enough to panic.

It's like the liberals being fearful that global warming will kill them; but Mohammed Atta is completely harmless.
Reply:No one knows for sure how bad this will get. Economists have been saying for a while that the economy will get substantially worse before it gets better.
Reply:Democrat will save us, Sofie is a name of a comedian,
Reply:Sofie, If what you posted is true, and if your boss finds out, you are history. Use some common sense!

Sponsorship for aliens- are there any companies in st. petersburg,fl that sponsors german nationals?

my daughter wants to live here in the states and needs a company to sponsor her for her green card
Sponsorship for aliens- are there any companies in st. petersburg,fl that sponsors german nationals?
Only an immediate blood relative (parent, sibling, adult child) can sponsor an immigrant. If she has at least a baccalaureate degree and two years' post-baccalaureate experience in her field, she could apply for jobs. If an employer wants to hire her, and is willing and able to obtain labor certification (proof there are no Americans qualified and available for the job), then apply for an employment visa, she could come on a temporary employment visa. An H1-b visa (the most popular program) can be good for up to 3 years, and can be extended once for up to 3 more years.

If the employer wants to keep her beyond that, the employer can then sponsor her green card. The sponsor has to guarantee employment or support for 10 years to apply for the green card. Few (and ever fewer) employers are willing and able to do that.

Considering that unemployment is now rising at the fastest rate since the Depression, this is not a good time to look for a job in the US. It is becoming very difficult for employers to prove there are no Americans qualified and available for the job when there are millions out of work and looking for jobs.

Also, the 2009 employment visas have already been issued, and the applications are being submitted for 2010 starting next week. The earliest she could be considered for now is Fiscal Year 2011.

It is irrelevant what country she comes from -- they are all treated the same. The plain truth is the job market is terrible, and many companies are not renewing employment visas or are laying off their foreign employees mid-term in their visa. In either case, the employee must return to their own country immediately at their own expense. Visas are automatically cancelled when an employee is terminated/fired/laid off.
Reply:don't know... how about a working visa instead of a green card, same thing, but she gets to work instead.

I am a national sales and marketiung recruiter for a Fortune 500 CPG company. Where should I blog to network?

You can start a blog on or another hosted blog service for free, or you can purchase a domain name and hosting and then install blogging software such as Wordpress or Movable Type.

Once you have a blog, try to post every day. In order to network with other bloggers, you can visit blogs related to your company's interests and leave comments frequently. Many bloggers who receive comments from you will visit your blog in return.
I am a national sales and marketiung recruiter for a Fortune 500 CPG company. Where should I blog to network?
For all the latest information on blog, blogging, and corporate blogs, you need Click Z. They provide the facts on who, what, where, when, and how. Statistics on productivity, demographics, and FAQs, if that weren't enough.

I have worked for this national rental car company for a couple of years, the operator of my store was fired

she was the owner operator of a store that is part of a major national chain. I have been offered first shot at becoming the new owner operator. They have told me it will take about $2500-$3000 to take over, I have to get an LLC, workmans comp, and I am not sure what else. They have said that my credit is going to be a factor. Can anyone try and explain what I need to expect to do to get this and what about my credit, how big of a deal is that and what for. ?
I have worked for this national rental car company for a couple of years, the operator of my store was fired
You are being offered the chance to be a franchisee. Sounds like a great opportunity. Do a search on the internet for the company that you work for and franchising and you will find a few companies with info on what they expect. You really need a attorney to write up your LLC. The Workman's comps can be obtained from an insurance broker who specializes in business insurance. Your credit is a factor in everything now. They want to know how much in debt you are and overall if you have good credit. People with good credit are deemed to be more responsible.

Ask questions and before you sign anything, and most importantly consult with an attorney to review all docs for you before you hand over any money or sign any contracts.

Good Luck
most popular name

Been done over by company for tax and national ins.?

I worked for a company for two and a half years only to find out they have never paid any tax or nat. ins. Does anyone know if legally i can do something. They have done it with about 16 members of staff also. help....
Been done over by company for tax and national ins.?
report it to your tax office asap
Reply:Very easy, just report them anonymously to the tax office and they'll quickly send someone to investigate without them being prepared to hide. sorry you got scammed.
Reply:Very illegal. In fact is is theft and a criminal offence. Report it immediately. To the tax people or the police. It is important that you establish that your paye and your nhs contributions were stopped from your pay.
Reply:They didn't pay your tax and NI, or their own corporation tax and NI? If yours, then you will still owe HMRC but you can probably do a deal to pay it in installments. If theirs, then you need to be pretty sure of your facts before you shop the company. Good luck.


see website.

Is this name of company or entity legitimate or scam? BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY?

It's a scam, I always get those kind of emails saying I won the British lottery...of course I knew I didn't, how can I win when I haven't even been there...
Is this name of company or entity legitimate or scam? BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY?
lts a scam
Reply:Scam...That's the one my cousin got and he sent his money and personal information to "claim his prize"...Yeah, complete bull!

Is d launching of product on national or international level ,the internal or external policy of a company?

hey plz tell me d answer of this as soon as possible... as im bit confused..
Is d launching of product on national or international level ,the internal or external policy of a company?

I have a lot of experience marketing small companies online (I have 3 companies). One of the best ways is to sign up at business directories and protals. These are basically listings of businesses (simliar to the phone book). The advantage is that these portals usually get a lot of traffic and they're ranked high on Google because of all the quality links they contain.

My favorite portal is called Directory Exclusive. I signed up a few weeks ago because they're giving a away a free business card holder when a person enter's their company info. I received it in the mail 3 days ago =)

I don't know if they still have that promotion, but you can try to get the free card holder here:

Good Luck
jewish name

Is asp national a real company or is this a scam?, this is the site you have to check when you look at job postings like that. lots of these companies are ridiculous and they are basically door to door sales jobs. My friend and I did this for like a week. they pay you no money for gas, you use your own car to drive to these locations and proceed to interrupt peoples dinners to sell things like verizon fios and each person you ACTUALLY sell it to it takes 45 mins to complete a sale and you get like 20 dollars. this may sound like 20 dollars an hour but you dont make a sale every hour. Its a very easy job to get because they accept everyone. there is a reason why. just check it out and be careful, you might lose a real job opportunity to take this scam job. 200 beans a week man. thats it. Oh by the way, you get terminated if you dont sell their crappy products.
Is asp national a real company or is this a scam?
Are you talking about the offer below? Or anything similar? Don't fall for it, it's a scam.

* Compensation: average $200- $800 weekly

* Telecommuting is ok.

* OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities

* OK for recruiters to contact this job poster.

* Phone calls about this job are ok.

* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Reply:Depends what "ASP" you are talking about... there are many legitimate companies and associations with this acronym.

When is EA Sports or some other software company going to introduce Augusta National Golf?

they won't, that's why you never see it on TWG or any golf game. Augusta will not sell the rights for someone to re-create the course..... Sorry.

The Effect that Coca Cola Company has on the national economies?

The Effect that Coca Cola Company has on the national economies
The Effect that Coca Cola Company has on the national economies?
In India they opened up and bought existing plants/companies, this kept jobs there and created new ones.

If you go to the Coca-Cola web site you can find lots of info.

Is there such company as National online Lottery in the u.k?

This is the only website for the only National Lottery in the UK. Anything else is fake and probably trying to scam you out of your money. Check out their Common Scams page:

If they are telling you that you have won a prize and asking for your bank details, report it.
Is there such company as National online Lottery in the u.k? - National Lottery has an online website, the draws are featured on BBC Saturday and Wednesday.

If you're asking because for something recieved through email many scams claim to be an 'online' lottery to a certain country, I think there is an English/British/UK one circulating where you have won millions.

At the end of the day, if you haven't bought a ticket, you haven't won!
first name

Been done over by company for tax and national ins.?

I worked for a company for two and a half years only to find out they have never paid any tax or nat. ins. Does anyone know if legally i can do something. They have done it with about 16 members of staff also. help....
Been done over by company for tax and national ins.?
wow...are they still trading...go to your tax office and tell them asap.
Reply:You should have payslips or a P 60 to prove they have deducted PAYE and NI from your wage/salary.

Inform your local Inland Revenue office immediately.

Unfortunately the companies owners could end up in jail or at least banned from being company directors, so you may be looking for a new job.

Hope it dosen`t reach that point, good luck.
Reply:wow,,no they have been caught out but maybe you could claim it back somehow good luck..
Reply:Did they actually show a deduction on your payslip and what about your P60.....If it has been deducted from your wage then you should not be liable....the employer should have to pay up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Find the National Life and Accident insurance company of Nashville, Tennessee?

It was taken over by the American General Corporation in the early 1980's. Here's AGC's web site:
Find the National Life and Accident insurance company of Nashville, Tennessee?
It is now part of American General Life %26amp; Accident of Nashville. They are easy to find.

What is Levis Company's stand on the National Rifle Association?

The NRA aside, Levi Strauss does support organisations such as PAX that strip us of the right to self-defence. Popular companies/celebrities/groups always attempt to sugar-coat gun control as “reasonable measures” to insure the safety of innocents, but the choice is theirs --and yours-- wouldn’t you rather see innocent people learn to defend themselves and watch crime rates plummet (as thugs will be running scared!), or would you rather see millions more assaults, rapes and murders? Go look in the mirror and ask yourself that.

One of my basic human rights is to defend myself, because, for instance, no man has the right to rape me. The power-hungry can say whatever they want to their fans or to the NRA (of which I am NOT a member), but the sad fact is, if they advocate gun control, they don’t care if you live or die.

That is why I don’t buy Levis.
What is Levis Company's stand on the National Rifle Association?
Last I knew Levis favors Gun Control but I dunno if they said anything to the NRA but the NRA definetly boycotts Levis for sure.

Last Wednesday a well known national gas company sent round a engineer to fit a mixer valve and do a safety...

inspection on the boiler. When he fitted the valve he didn't tighten the nut on the valve properly and when the water was turned on, it flooded the cupboard that contains the boiler. He then claimed it wasn't that at all and it was in fact a slow leak (which was disproved by two other engineers, one independent and one from the same company). He then proceeded to do the safety inspection on the boiler. On completion he said there was a small leak on the safety valve and places a plastic lid underneath it until it could be fixed. He then left. At this point my son came home (As I was about to leave the house) He went into the toilet where the boiler is just as the plastic lid caught fire.

The engineer was irresponsible, rude and could have cost my son his life and caused a house fire along with lying about the leak.

It has been suggested to me that I should seek compensation, what is the best way to go about this and how much am I likely to receive?
Last Wednesday a well known national gas company sent round a engineer to fit a mixer valve and do a safety...
This is a civil matter so wouldn't be investigated by the Police. The law and ethics section may provide a better answer.

I would suggest writing to the Gas company explaining what happened and asking for them to investigate the matter. That would be your best starting point.

I'm not suggesting that you would but make sure that you are not abusive in your letter or any phone calls as this will get you nowhere. Be to the point about what happened and how you felt as a result and explain that you feel very let down by their apparent lack of service and customer care.

Putting a complaint in writing is always the best way to do it as you then have some proof that you have complained. If you want to be really sure then send the letter by recorded delivery. If they don't respond, send another letter referring to the first with a copy enclosed.

If you aren't satisfied with the response that you get then write and tell them! The complaint will eventually be resolved if you 鈥榢eep at it鈥?

I have complained about a similar matter in the past with an 'engineer' who couldn't perform a simple central heating timer replacement. This resulted in compensation of the cost of the timer, that I had installed myself and an apology.

Good luck with it
Reply:Speak to your local trading standards office. Details at I used them when certain high street PC retailer messed me about and they were very helpful indeed. As soon as they got involved all of a sudden the shop became very helpful. Alternatively if you're looking for revenge how about going onto the BBC website and referring him to Rogue Traders, he might be doing this all the time.
Reply:Either hire a lawyer, or write to the company chairman directly
Reply:Negligence is the factor here,, Unless the fire destroyed your

home completely or left portions in shambles with great

expense to repair, and your son was injured Physically

by the incident, your not going to get a dime. I would advise

you to contact a local Hook em crook em and cheat em

ambulance chaser, they might address this issue, However

on the surface and to the extent you asked the Question

you have no case.

Looking for Cellphone service with a national cellphone company with my poor credit, where might I check?

I have been using a prepaid cellphone for quite some time now, but I really need a regular billed plan. Preferably I would like a cool phone with Microsoft mobile 6, and Outlook capabilities. Perhaps 3g? With a flat rate, unlimited minute/data plan. But with my cruddy credit, I will have to take what I can get.

What I am wondering is: are some of the companies a little easier on those with not-so-great credit? Or perhaps some companies aren't as likely to charge an exorbitant deposit?

I will be in Huntsville, AL and the cell I presently use (MetroPCS) wont work up there, so ANY help would be appreciated.

Looking for Cellphone service with a national cellphone company with my poor credit, where might I check?
if you have t mobile then you can get a flex account it is not a prepaid but they do not do a credit check and it is a monthly bill
Reply:Thanx so much!!

I actually went with your suggestion. Paid little for the pink razor, and got a VERY reasonable monthly rate.

Thanx so much!! Report Abuse

Is The National Accounts and Refund Centrea real company?

Did you get this inquiry from an email. Now you know what SPAM is. HIT THE SPAM BUTTON and get on with it.

It's a scam. If you are using Yahoo email, then by reporting it as SPAM, then Yahoo will first BLOCK IT, then attempt to investigate further.

Here is the rule:

- Don't Open SPAM

- Don't read the SPAM


- and for gosh sakes, Don't BUY from SPAM, it is probably a scam, and they are trying to STEAL from you.
Is The National Accounts and Refund Centrea real company?
sounds like a scam. do not send them any money

My friend drives a van for a national delivery company. Its a death trap. What authority can he go to about it

His employer dont do anything! Last month he complained about the brakes and they took it off the road for a day and they told him it had new brake discs and pads. Last week he spun the van 360 and dented it. Was lucky he didnt crash.

But recently hes noticed smoke and 2day something wasnt rite so he called his depot who called out aa and they said to him theres no way the brakes have been done and he was surprised he could stop as the pads had worn down, it was just metal, he had no brakes on his right side.

And 5 vans at the depot have flat batteries and have to be jump started every morning. Head office wont authorise new batteries.

There also was something hanging off underneith his van the aa said, that if it had come off on the motorway would have killed someone.

Something needs to be done about this company. Im worried about my friend and how dare the company be putting these vans on the road. Who can he contact to get this company looked at?
My friend drives a van for a national delivery company. Its a death trap. What authority can he go to about it
In the UK you could report them to VOSA (0870 6060440, ), who are the Government agency responsible for the safety of fleet vehicles.

You could also report them to the Health %26amp; Safety Executive, for placing their employees in danger.

You can report incidents online at or by phone.
Reply:I think the local or state police will be interested to know... the van is a danger to him, and everyone else on the road.
Reply:Complain to corporate HQ

Complain to OSHA

Talk to DMV - they are probably a registered fleet with the DMV.

Better Business Bureau

could also make an anonymous call to a newspaper or tv station.
Reply:phone crimestoppers or go to your local police station, this is a crime so dont be afraid, if your friend goes to the police and tells them his fears before the police come to him and put points on his licence, it could save his life. as well as his workmates. and innocent victims

also look for an employer that values its employees, you cant make short cuts on health and saftey
Reply:these vans must at some point pass an MOT, to be deemed fit enough to drive on the road or they couldn't be taxed.

So if i was him i'd contact his nearest health %26amp; safety team, if these vans are death-traps the local Council Authority should be notified.

they are the ones that grant licences to local businesses.
Reply:If he feels strong enough to be a whistleblower, he could contact the Vehicle Inspectorate,or VOSA (don't know the up to date name, but they are an agency of the department for transport). All commercial companies should have up to date maintenence records for their vehicle fleets
Reply:The real problem here is his conflict of interest - he needs a job, yet he wants it to be safe. What he needs is a new job, THEN to get the vans inspected.

At present he's in a morally difficult situation. How would he feel if someone got hurt? He could also get himself injured and/or banned. Don't expect the system to help; it's under-resourced.
Reply:Best to go to an MOT centre where they can check the vehicle out good and proper. It is a miracle that he didn't crash and either kill himself or someone else. Tell your friend to send the courier company the bill for having the van checked out. Typical, the company would much rather risk their employees' lives than to spend a few bob on getting their vehicles maintained. Who is the courier company? (if you can answer)
Reply:Call the Highway Patrol, or State Troopers in your area, who will refer you to the commercial vehicle enforcement division of their agency. Make a note of what time and day of the week are all the vehicles at the terminal. The inspecting officer will show up when all the vehicles are parked at the terminal.
Reply:his first stop should be the police. they can get the vans inspected and taken off the road.
Reply:If it is in the UK, contact VOSA

Their website is
Reply:i would get a hold of the D.O.T. they will do something about it have them check everything
Reply:he MUST refuse to drive the vehicle-an offences committed will be HIS responsibility!report company to VOSA+police+local health n safety/environmental health.also try newspapers as they love to name+shame company's that endanger innocent peeps lives....oh and GOOD LUCK!!!!
Reply:take it to the police and have a safety check done. Do you have state inspection where you live.
Reply:if its TNT I work for them too...the very worst of employers
Reply:His van is a place of work and therefore comes under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. It is the employers legal duty to provide a safe place of work and ensure suitable and sufficient risk assessments have been carried out. Tell your friend to drop a line or call the local enforcement office he does not have to give his name and the employer will be visited by the Factory Inspector who will then take the relevant enforcement action to ensure his and the other employees safety
Reply:The head office of the parent company.


The local Health and Safety dept. of the council.

The Police.

Whilst he is behind the wheel, it is HIS legal responsibility to ensure any vehicle is legal and roadworthy, not his company's' (by law). So, if he did kill someone, due to a defective van, HE would be held totally responsible for all charges relating to the condition of 'his' vehicle.

I would urge him to get advice from a shop steward, or solicitor, or even the CAB, and see about refusing work in such dangerous conditions. They couldn't sack him for it, as he would have valid grounds for taking them to an Industrial Tribunal for unfair / constructive dismissal.

These are all points relating to the UK.
Reply:Don't know, but I think he should look for a new, safer job!

I want to know the prospects of National Oxygen company.., can i invest in this share?

this is a madras based company in the small cap segment
I want to know the prospects of National Oxygen company.., can i invest in this share?
Yes, you can purchase these shares. At present it is traded around Rs.43/-. Its 52 weeks high/low is 80/36. Since it is small cap the returns and risk are high.
name naming

NSE(National Stock Exchange) private,public or government sector company? what could be its profits?

Wondering if NSE is private/public/government company. How does it earn profits. What are its profits.
NSE(National Stock Exchange) private,public or government sector company? what could be its profits?
NSE is a company. The shares of this company are hold by the some very big DIIs(domestic institutional investors) and FII ( foregion institutinal investsors) , and promoters. the earning come from various products that provided by NSE some of those are brokarage from online trading in stocks and F%26amp;O, annual fees from stock brokers, also NSE provides huge amount of information to their clients which fetch them good revenue. e.g. news channels, websites based on stock market.

NSE is the 4 th largest exchange in the world.

promoters of NSE incluedes icicibank, sbi, lic.etc.
Reply:NSE was promoted by leading Financial Institutions at the behest of the Government of India and was incorporated in November 1992 as a tax-paying company unlike other stock exchanges in the country.

On its recognition as a stock exchange under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 in April 1993, NSE commenced operations in the Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment in June 1994. The Capital Market (Equities) segment commenced operations in November 1994 and operations in Derivatives segment commenced in June 2000.
Reply:Where did you learn about this?

Someone in VA know of a good national auto transport company that is reasonable? Don't have much money...?

Just graduated from law school, need to go to home to TX to take the bar. Wanted to see if I could find a company that would ship my car for around $600, I'm not in a hurry to get it either.
Someone in VA know of a good national auto transport company that is reasonable? Don't have much money...?
Remember to choose best answer! A great site that I used to ship my motorcycle is what it is is you post what the item is car, bed, dog whatever. Choose the date that you want it moved are so on. Shippers and just people going in that direction will contact you with different options and prices. I got my bike shipped from florida to new york for 300. Everyone else want 500 to 600. You get a lost of car carriers picking up ebay car from cost to cost or racing teams with a extra spot in their trailers. Make sure to get references and copies of driver's license registration and insurance. You might also want to draw up some kind of contract. Good luck with it.

Companyaddress&phonenumber for Summit National Life Insurance company?

Closest I could find . . .

Summit Insurance Company

Print this page

A.M.Best #: 68497 NAIC #: 66846 FEIN #: 311358642

Address: 550 Summit Avenue, Suite 101

Troy, OH 45373-3068

Phone: 937-332-8400

Fax: 937-339-6901


Best's Ratings

Financial Strength Ratings View Definitions

Rating: NR-5 (Not Formally Followed)

Action: Affirmed

Effective Date: April 05, 2006
Companyaddress%26amp;phonenumber for Summit National Life Insurance company?
Try the links in

Is there any company called uk national lottery in uk?

No,but there is one called

I've never tried it so you'll have to Google if you want more details.

Camelot operate under
Is there any company called uk national lottery in uk?
No the company that does the lottery is under the name "camelot" it does the uk national lottery, but the company isn't called that.

EDIT, just found an old lotto ticket it says this on the back:-

The national lottery is run by Camelot Group plc under licence granted by the national lottery commission. the principal office of the national lottery operator, Camelot group plc is "the national lottery, Tolpits Lane Watford, WD18 9RN
Reply:if you think a lotterysite is a scam site , go to

www.fraudwatch , they have list of all current scams
Reply:No. The company that runs the lottery is called 'Camelot'.

National Commercial Cleaning Company?? Anybody ever here of this company? I'm suspicious that it is a scam!

National Commercial Cleaning Company A daily newspaper add for employment $17/hr... You pay $64.50 for backround check in interview. Never receive confirmation, notification, work!??? Dallas Texas. Let me know what you think! Scam vs legit
National Commercial Cleaning Company?? Anybody ever here of this company? I'm suspicious that it is a scam!
It is not legal to take your money for a background check for a job. "janation" answered the question below, but I'm betting that she's Jana Riley (real name: April Silliano) she often uses variations of Jana and Nation on her posts. She's married to Tony Silliano who is the "owner" of this business and she plays the role of recruiter for him. Go to to see more about these people. They've recently moved onto "cleaning" where before they were running their scam with fake security jobs. If they've ripped you off call the Dallas FBI office and report what happened to you. Not only do they get your background info, they use that info to get into your bank account and open credit cards in your name. If you've given them your info, close your bank account NOW and reopen a new one, your bank will gladly do this for you. My son lost $89.50 to them with his payment for the background check and then a month later they cleaned out his bank account. Don't let it happen to you!!
Reply:I'm just curious, did you find them in Dallas or San Antonio? Did you interview with a woman? What was her name? I am, of course, needing info for my please share and I'll put the info on Report Abuse

Reply:Start by visiting your local police station closest to where the interview occured. Ask to file a police report and allow them to investigate. Call the company and provide them the number of your police report. See if they want to return your money or provide you a job. You will soon find out if this is a legitimate misunderstanding or a fraud.
Reply:I know that it is not illegal for companys to require for you to pay a background fee before employment. in fact alot more compays are doing that. I think if you go for an interview at there office you should be okay , I wouln't send money over the phone or anything and as long as they send or you request a copy of it. I know even working for the post office requires for you to pay for your own. Hope this helps
Reply:This is a scam. You need to contact the authorities and go to There is somebody on there that has been scammed by this company.

It may not be illegal to charge for a background check but this particular company is a SCAM. And computer fraud IS illegal so be sure to report them.

Anybody know company working in afghanistan interested in recruiting african national?

Got experience in iraq as security specialist , bachelors degree in mass communication and post graduate diploma in management. It so happens that most of companies are interested in u.s nationals. anybbody know who can hire african
Anybody know company working in afghanistan interested in recruiting african national?
Probably the Taliban, but I don't recommend taking them up on any offers. With the security specialist experience, maybe the US DoD are looking for a good contractor to assist them.

Which Gwent Manufacturing company made the national press in 2000 when its best selling product was featured i

No guesses please!
Which Gwent Manufacturing company made the national press in 2000 when its best selling product was featured i
Do you have the name of the product, or the movie? MI2 was a big one that year. Was it featured there?
Reply:I know it's not Burberry! Really don't have a clue? Sorry

Did anyone hear of national city finance company for bad credit loans. they ask for deposit of 500 dollars.?

i have really bad credit. its supposed to be an online credit company, helping people in my situation. i can't find anything on the internet about them. i stumbled upon them while looking for bad credit loans. i need to find out if its a scam.
Did anyone hear of national city finance company for bad credit loans. they ask for deposit of 500 dollars.?
What type of loan are you applying for? If this is a mortgage, you should not have to pay a fee up front except for an appraiser, you pay that to the appraiser when he gets to your front door. The other is a credit report and that should not come anywhere near $500.00.

If this is a credit repair company or something in this line then that is a different story all together.

You should inquire as to what the $500.00 is for and is it reimbursable if you do not get a loan through them. In my opinion if this is a loan and they are asking for money up front this is a scam.

I hope this has been of some use to you, good luck.

Reply:DON'T DO IT Its not true, I have bad credit and tried to get a loan and was told that I had to pay 1200, to get 10,000.00... When I found out that is wasn't true I was so upset cuzI got beat out of 1200... So if anyone is asking you to put up money first DONT DO IT..... Report Abuse

Reply:If you go to It will show you all of these get rich quick scam companies ripping people off with bad credit.I just got ripped off for $20.00 from WESAYYES.COM Report Abuse

Reply:WESAYYES.COM claims they will find a lender that's right for you. It's not true...They will provide you with the same lenders who declined you before. Report Abuse

Reply:Have a look here.
Reply:try this instead here is some text from the site

We have over 50 Banks %26amp; Companies that offer Bad Credit Unsecured Credit Cards and Merchant Cards to people with good credit, no credit, bad credit, or even a bankruptcy. - NO SECURITY DEPOSIT. Apply Online. You can get started right away

scientific name

Company named National Foreclosure Relief 10120 S. Eastern Ave. Suite 200 Henderson, NV 890052?

phone number 866-389-4244 are they a legitimate business
Company named National Foreclosure Relief 10120 S. Eastern Ave. Suite 200 Henderson, NV 890052?
There are hundreds of companies with legitimate sounding names like this that all steal your home and ruin your credit. They live off our misery.

If you need help in a foreclosure call the mortgage company or if your loan is FNMA call them or if it is FHA call HUD. Do not sign up with a "Foreclosure relief company" it will make things even more miserable than they are right now!
Reply:That is very true that they are tons of companies out their that are not looking for the best interest of the homeowner. However there are companies that provide a legitimate service. I recently almost went into foreclosure myself but this company call was able to help me ou Report Abuse

Reply:National Foreclosure relief is a rip off!!!! When you call they tell you how they are gonna help you but don't really deliver anything. Everything they do you could do yourself, don't waste your money!!!!!! Report Abuse

Reply:I am not sure about this particular company, but there are a lot of companies that work very hard to save people's homes and are successful. I work with a company like this. Loan modifications take a lot of work and you need a lot of experience, determination, and creativity to save a home. Report Abuse

Reply:They are likely one of the many "WE BUY HOUSES" companies out there. What they all do is find out how much you owe on the house, the condition of it, its' true market value and if it is in their best interest, they will pay you a grand or two above your loan amount enabling you to avoid foreclosure and still have a few bucks in your pocket to move and get an apartment. If you are in dire straights, it isn't a bad deal. But if you have more time, it is better to try to sell it with a Realtor (to clear more money after the sale).
Reply:check to see if they are registered with the B.B.B. if they are they may be all right.
Reply:Look at my company we have been doing this for over 25 years handling fore closers we are a real estate firm and mortgage company.

if you are interested in saving homes send me a email to

I can not talk about my company because of yahoo

National insurance co-operation company of great britain?

has anyone in the uk ever heard of this insurance company if so please tell me how i can get in touch with them i have this address but i don't know if its real or fake can someone help find the answer to my question here is the address 166B Broadway,Wimbledon,london SW191Rx united kingdom i'm trying to verfied one of there money lenders who claims to be registered loan officer.
National insurance co-operation company of great britain?
National Insurance here in the UK is the government agency, now run by the Inland Revenue. As far as I know there is no company of the same name, although I could be wrong I would think that this is a scam.
Reply:this was a great answer thankyou Report Abuse

Reply:Hi, I think I would be very suspicous of this company. It sounds as if they are trying to defraud you.

I do know of a company called National Insurance and Guarantee Corporation Limited who are part of The Royal Bank of Scotland. They usually trade as ***. I don't know if they lend money.

Like I said, be very careful!!
Reply:some one setting you up national insurance is paid on the amount you earn by your employer be for you receive your wages,its good if your seeking work or ill and when you reach 65 you get your state pension it revolves around your income so if you have a income this is set around it ,if your income and that of your partner is in excess of the benefit then you will not get any if you have no income you can plus other benefits like council tax and rent, payment is allowed for mortgage interest help with medication when ill,glasses
Reply:I will try and find out.......
Reply:do you mean national insurance guarantee co operation?

if so 145 city rd



I'm thinking about working for liberty national insurance does anyone have any advice of this company?

Liberty National is a pretty good company. Don't know where you are, but the manager would make a big difference in whether I worked for them or not. Check with someone who is in the office you plan on working with, get their thoughts about the organization. They do offer benefits and you are an employee which may be good or bad depending on how you want to proceed.
I'm thinking about working for liberty national insurance does anyone have any advice of this company?
Liberty National is a great company to work for...they offer an excellent compensation plan, great benefits and offer you promotion opportunities based on your own merit. The company 107 years old and is rated A++ superior when it comes to financial strength and customer satisfaction. And In my opinion if you are considering working in the insurance industry then this is the company to work for because they're compensation plan can't be get paid commissions and BONUSES weekly...and best of all there is no limit to how much you can earn.
Reply:Liberty National has a solid reputation and an AM Best rating of A+. If you're simply going to be an employee of the company, no problem. However, if your intention is to enter financial advisory practice, this company isn't a player outside the insurance arena.

I have a letter from the national prize register can you tell me if there are a registered company or scam?


鈾ts purely a 'SPAM'. Do not respond to any of those messages as they intend to 鈥楽TEAL鈥?your personal information. It is also enough for one E-mail to bait users into more of such lottery winning games. It is entirely a 'FAKE'. Who would give you free money if you had never participated in any of the contests?

鈾ts an EASY way of getting personal information and send you MORE of such messages to FILL up your Inbox! Yahoo keeps telling that they never send lottery E-mails to anyone saying that you've won XXX amounts. Never go to a site, which has contests and hosts mail lotteries.

鈾eople get thousands of E-mails everyday saying that they've 鈥榃ON鈥?lottery prizes and amounts and even go to the extent of claiming their prize. NEVER RESPOND TO IT!!

Folks are also getting 鈥楧UPED鈥?by such kind of activities and fall to the trap of spammers! These lotteries 鈥楥ONFIRM鈥?your working E-mail address and intend to send more of such mails

鈾hese links could help you out:-

Best Wishes and Take Care 鈾櫔

I have a letter from the national prize register can you tell me if there are a registered company or scam?

If you respond and spend 拢3.50 per minute to claim a prize in a competition you did not enter well.....

Consider this, A friend of mine had a free scratchcard from a newspaper that indicated she had won a trip to France on a cross channel ferry company.

She phoned and spent 拢9.50 to wait online and claim a promotion code. And yes, she did win the prize, A ticket as a foot passenger that she could have bought online direct from the ferry operator for 拢2.

I leave you to decide what to do,
Reply:If it sounds too good to be true, then it certainly is.

Let me guess, you have to call a number to find out what your prize is, and calls cost 3 pounds per minute and last 8 minutes.

Rip it up and throw it away !
Reply:If you've not entered any competitons to win anything, then no you havent won anything-its a scam.

Dont be fooled!
Reply:Did you enter a competition - NO - then it's a scam isn't it
family name

Is team national a legit company?

is team national a scam
Is team national a legit company?
This Eric H character is just brain washed. He dont have no downline making $60,000 a year and he certainly don't make the money he claims...SCAM....

$2,000 to join...? give me a break ...

Hey, if you are in the market for big ticket items or you have a business where you buy and purchase a lot over and over...sure you can save money, but my problem is these vultures will attempt to recruit you ANYWAY even after they know you are not going to buy cars, boats,furniture etc. Why...because they get a big cut of that $2,000 you are forking out up front...! yea.

I attended the o'l rented motel ball room meeting they throwed...I saw right through the mud. All those confusing slides and person after person after person rattle on about how much they have saved ...blah...blah.

They spent an HOUR on this and then speed through what I would call the REAL meat..."How can this work for me and How can "I" make money.?

Their reply...."Oh just sign up before you leave and we will come visit you one- on - one with all the details"

OH - --by the way, invite a friend for when I come over to exlplain it all, I can let them listen to 4 or 5 pre-recorded calls"......Sign here, heres a pen...!Sign here, heres a pen...! Sign here, heres a pen...!

Oh yea - I challenge you to ask the person recruiting you "How much do YOU make and how did YOU get there?...they will hem /haw and say "I am not allowed by company policy to disclose this"....BS

Look ...the short answer is will continuously give them money...
Reply:I joined Team National in 2000. I've saved much more than it cost me to join. Therefore, in my case, it would have been a bad business decision for me not to be a member.

I also took advantage of their optional earnings program.

In July of 2005, I had generated enough weekly income that I was able to walk away from my job as a truck driver. I quit that job the same week my first child came into the world and am now a stay home dad.

Currently, I'm making around $60,000 a year with the company.

I'm proud to say that there are literally dozens of people in my downline making anywhere from $50,000 to 350,000 a year.

So, anyone who says this is not for real is full of crap.

I've read all sorts of inaccurate info on this board about TN. Get the facts before you right it off. (This means YOU Steve D!)
Reply:I've never heard of it. Check with your Better Business Bureau to find out for sure. All ligititmate business people are listed with them.

Can a foreigh national living in their own country be a director of UK company?

Have not checked it recently, but I believe the answer is affirmative. The more interesting question is whether you can be the sole director. You can do that in New Zealand.

Is it true that the "National Honor Roll" is a scam company?

might be x

Is a foreign national(non-EU) who is living in the UK permitted to start a business/company there?

dog names

GLOBAL MAX DELIVERIES - is this company a fraud along side with the national lottery?

I did a google search and came up with this link for you. I think it is bogus and wouldn't bother with anything like this. Hope this helps!

Inquiring about a financial company in Guangzhou-China in the name of National Trustee Finance?

I think you need a Chinese person to help you find what you need in China, and I know a website can provide the service , the service is called "Person to Person" 锛?through the service you just like engage a "agent" in China to help you to find what you need in China.
Inquiring about a financial company in Guangzhou-China in the name of National Trustee Finance?

I just reported my company to national immigration and customs...?

The company I work for hires people who they know are using other people's social security numbers.

Two people left for a few months (one for a whole year) and when they returned to work were using different names altogether. When I asked my manager why they had new names he laughed and said that they had to use different social security numbers so they were using new names so that we didn't get caught for employing them illegally.

I have also heard a couple of the workers talking about who can get their brothers SSN's so that they can come work here too.

SO....I called national immigration and customs today and reported what I know about my company.

What (if anything) should I expect to happen???
I just reported my company to national immigration and customs...?
First, let me congratulate you on doing your civic duty. You should be commended. Second, let me recommend another place for you to report your company it's:

They will report your employer to the FBI, the IRS and INS. You would be surprised how quickly that will result in a response. They also will list your company on their website as an employer of illegal aliens so that others can boycott them.

Hopefully, your company will be under surveillance as we speak and will be raided by next month. I hope you keep us posted!

Oh, and if your company should cause you any discomfort or distress over this, remember that there are now ways to make them "pay" for that too. Whistle blowers are often awarded top dollars in court settlements when they are harassed in the workplace or even fired. Make sure you keep them straight.
Reply:Some kind of investigation, I would assume

If the company is large, perhaps immediately...
Reply:HAHA wow and you work there to?they well they probly de-port the people working there and maybe send your boss to jail for helping them and knowing what they where doing.
Reply:maybe Ice will pay a visit maybe not..but if they find out YOU called and snitched you'll be looking for a new job....(BTW you did the right thing....)
Reply:LMAO if INS or ICE(Whatever name they call them selfs) does come to your company their going to shut it down. Good luck finding a new job buddy...if I were you I would of kept my mouth shut, minded my own bussiness, and worked for my family n I, and not worry about nobody else. Good luck sir.
Reply:Crime is EVERYBODY'S business. And illegal criminals aliens and their employers HAVE committed crimes. It's your duty as a patriotic American citizen to report all crime.
Reply:You're about to lose your job. Get a lawyer as soon as possible and know your rights. I think there is a law that can protect you. Google 'whistleblower protection' to find out.
Reply:Depends on your area.

Depends on who your company is paying off to ignore the situation.

Depends on how much your company is paying for local/state/federal officials to ignore the situation.

Sound cynical? It's reality.
Reply:Kudos to You!!! Stand up against illegals abusing our system. Identity theft is on the rise and now we have to buy insurance to protect us. They need to go!!!!

P.S. It is your business and I hope you told them anonymously so your job is not in jeopardy. If more people would stand up for our laws we would have less crime.
Reply:I love it when disgruntled employees rat out their employer.

Your employer will get a hefty fine, he will pay, possibly go out of business or move his operations to Mexico. You should expect to lose your job.
Reply:Well, I think either way, you shoud polish up your resume. If they catch wind of you reporting them, you will be gone, %26amp; if they are fined %26amp; shut down, you may want to have money to live on. Personally, I wouldn't want to work there, myself.

Good luck.
Reply:Well if your company does this and it's true,then they will be fined or shut down.
Reply:well done :)
Reply:You will probably be fired or mistreated sadly to say. Whistle blowers take a lot of flack for doing their duty to their country and those guys will not be deported but may fill your position I would guess.
Reply:Immediately, I would assume, nothing. It will take time to investigate the report. But, in an ideal world, if they found the statements true, the immigration service should take action against both the employer and the employees who violated our laws. Will it happen? Maybe--Maybe not
Reply:You did the right thing. Companies that break immigration laws need to be reported. I bet you sleep at night just fine.
Reply:Wow you're a snitch. Can't you let people work and live in peace.
Reply:Expect to get fired, lol do you really think it鈥檚 a big secret, it鈥檚 a scam and it鈥檚 not going to be enforced at all. But believe me that when they find out you told,you will be looking for a new job.
Reply:great panic, mass dash for the door, and probaly very little production one of these days real soon. o and a lot of mad people.way to go.

Claims at bankers national life insurance company co.?

Try this number: 1-800-231-9150 It's their customer service number.
Claims at bankers national life insurance company co.?
What about them?
dog names

Is Tamimi Group a good company / Group to work for in Saudi Arabia? I am a Pakistani national.?

...yes and they have thousands of employees of different nationalities.....
Is Tamimi Group a good company / Group to work for in Saudi Arabia? I am a Pakistani national.?
Yes. They have large transportation buses, and have many branches. We always go there to buy American Products that is not carried anywhere else.

Can a company insist on providing them with a National Insurance number on a application form.?

According to the UK law ................ Yes.
Can a company insist on providing them with a National Insurance number on a application form.?
Insurance number is a requirement for application in a job so that the employee and the employer will be protected from any costs arising from accidents or death of the former.
Reply:Why wouldn't you want to provide it? Have you got something to hide?!
Reply:The employer will need to have a NI number off you for tax purposes.

without don't exsist.
Reply:Yes as they must pay your stamp if your employed.
Reply:only illegal people in the uk do NOT have one ........... dont you. it is the way companys know if they are employing a uk legal worker or an illegal worker and it is the law.
Reply:Yes. It is illegal to work without one so they are entitled to ask at any stage.

If you are in the process of getting one, then say so and they might take official notification of your application in lieu.
Reply:its a legal requirment for them to ask
Reply:They usually do but it is more important really that they have the NI number when you START working with them to allocate with your pay.

If they say it's for eligibility to work, they will need to see a passport with associated work permits etc because, strangely, having an NI number does not prove your right to work in the UK on its own.
Reply:Yip. Then they know you are not illegal.

Is it true that the "National Honor Roll" is a scam company?

YES. No doubt, it is a scam. You should NEVER have to pay someone in order for them to "honor" you.
Is it true that the "National Honor Roll" is a scam company?
I think any program not coming from your school is a scam. I was scammed by a company called "Recognizing students;Who's Who" I had to pay in order get a book with my name on it! I later found out it was scam because my frined who was getting below average grades claimed that he also got a reward from the company, BUT after paying some "fees".

Reply:It's a distinct possibility. There are many companies and programs that "honor" you for your achievements...if you pay. Ask a guidance counselor at your school, they usually know what's an actual program and what's a scam.
Reply:I looked at their website. They're just another one of those companies that will "honor" you if you pay them.

Whether it's a scam company is open to interpretation. I'm fairly certain they'll do what you pay them for. So, in that sense, they're not a scam. However, their "honor" wouldn't be worth anything in the eyes of a college admissions official. So, i n that sense, I guess you could say they are a scam.
Reply:i think it is but they sent me an application in the mail but i didnt respond...and now today they sent me an email

Is there a company by the name NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMTED(NOGL)UK?


Address: 4 Wendy Ramon street ES5S WRN,London

Tell: +44 702 406 5150, +44 702 406 5251

Fax: +44 702 411 7531


Contact :Mr.Garry Hard


Human Resource Manager.

The company is conducting on line interviews and also offering jobs on line.Is it real or fake.Any one please reply, shall appreciate if anyone who has experienced this can enlighten all.
Is there a company by the name NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMTED(NOGL)UK?
its complete fraud cause

1.check the links where the website opens

2. the email has come from yahoo id and not company address

3. cannot find any information even on stock exchange links which should be there if it is listed

i guess if we have not applied and out of blue moon we get the offer then somethings fishy
Reply:hi guys..

I too have received the same kind of Appointment letter along with the work permit application form..

if any one knows more abt it then plz let me know Report Abuse

Reply:Did you apply to the company - or did you receive the email out of the blue

If by random email - then it is a scam
Reply:I also received Offer Letter for Sr Database Administrator

and i had discussed with them on the same number which is on offer letter , but i told them that send thier total history and

company profile , let us see whether they send or not, my colleage is there in London , tomarrow he is flying to London,

Reply:Even I have received an offer letter today - did you get any response for your query. If yes, please forward the mail to
Reply:even i have received the same,they have send me work permit visa application form,and has also said to forward passprot %26amp; mobile is still under costruction.Can any 1 from london (or any 1's collegue staying in london)can find out the address or atleast call these NOGL guys to know how genuine are they?Awaiting revert.
Reply:Hi,Sunil T/Michael F

I had also received mail from this organization, but the one thing which is surprising me is i am not able to find any information on web for this company names NOGL.

I seems me as some fake organization,.

If any one have details about this please suggest.
Reply:Hi Guys, Like u looks like i am also the chosen one to work for the company. You receive a set of 18 questions (online ineterview) and after answering the same, recieve an appointment letter .I recevied an appointment letter stating terms and conditions along with an attachment of work permit which has to be filled and scan it to their travel department.. the web address is . But is underconstruction..... If any of you guys know something more please bring to my notice. Appreciate your help.
Reply:I know them in Singapore.They are one of the MNC company have merge with few other oil %26amp; gas companies. No scam...Good luck on your job application
fantasy name

Need internet in a national park, where there is no cell company coverage. help. have laptop only.?

Going on a 4 month trip to a National park. Need internet. There is no cellular companies that have coverage in that area. Anyone know of someone that has a mobile USB modem for a laptop that would work out in the middle of nowhere.
Need internet in a national park, where there is no cell company coverage. help. have laptop only.?
If you are going into an area that has no cellphone, cable broadband, or DSL/land line dial-up, you are basically limited to satellite internet. There are a couple of providers, I think. I am including a link to two of larger as examples and you can check against competitors for which you think is best.

Do the National Oil and Gas (NOGL) UK is a genuine company. Is the Job offer is correct. 4 Wendy Ramon Street?

The address is 4 Wendy Ramon Street. ES5S WRN, London, Tele:- 00447024065150, Fax:- 00447024117531 email
Do the National Oil and Gas (NOGL) UK is a genuine company. Is the Job offer is correct. 4 Wendy Ramon Street?
If this is an email you have received 'randomly' ignore it. Any interview, job application that asks for bank details, ignore. The safest bet is to keep track of all job offers you are interested in. Or apply for jobs in a particular way eg. always using the same reference number. Any job talking about you 'handling' money is very dodgy. Any job being offered to you without knowing what you are good at eg. you are an electrician, they want buyers, very dodgy. Lastly - National Oil and Gas UK sounds like a big company - so why are they using Yahoo for there emails, they should have their own email especially if they have a website. Steer clear from it or you will regret it. If you are unemployed a job offer can be tempting and these scams feed on greed and desperation. Good luck and be careful. And their main telephone number is a mobile not a landline.

It is a scam - believe me. It's the new way of getting bank details and other info... Why would they ask you to be a buyer if you are an electrician or a librarian? Why offer you... YOU... the job when you never applied for it? Email them back and ask them what they do and who they are affiliated with. Then if it's a company you have heard of get in touch with them and ask if they have heard of NOGL.

Please, please ignore these emails for jobs, I have several in my outbox. I had one once that had a professional web site and all the people mentioned actually existed, but were not affiliated with the company. Each individual member could be traced to financial institutions and FORBES magazine. I had never applied for a job with them, knew nothing about nano technology. They had a section which asked me for my details including bank details. Its the easiest way to commit id fraud. Basically you are giving them permission.

Delete the email.
Reply:Hey I got a similar one and am too confused about the same... Pls let me know if this is a scam or not !! Thanks A lot in advance...
Reply:Is this a question?
Reply:try here.

email nogl %26amp; ask for their company registered number. if they are legal they will have 1.

however I expect with a yahoo email address it is not genuine. if it was for example i feel it would be more favorable
Reply:I have received an offer from NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMITED(NOGL)UK on 28th August 2007 for the post of Senior Geologist. The email was forward to me by Mr. Garry Hard, Human Resource Manager mentioning Employment Reg Code as NOGL/14/UK.

Kindly help me whether the offer is genuine or not.
Reply:check this link its useful


I want national and international company list?

or run a google search ...
I want national and international company list?
Erm I don't understand the question, but here's my company info if you are MAKING a list?!

Get My Country Back

I am a contractor and my umbrella company charge me employers national insurance as well as nation insurance?

is this right?
I am a contractor and my umbrella company charge me employers national insurance as well as nation insurance?
Yes it is. The only way to get away from Employer's NI is to set up on your own and make sure your contracts are written in a way that keeps you outside of IR35 (Ie: include some clause about your company replacing you as an individual). Some umbrella companies promise to give you XX% of your money back. These usually involve a form of off-shore banking (in Luxembourg for example) and you end up having to take your money out using an ATM in this country! Steer clear as I can't believe the inland revenue will allow this to go on for muchlonger and you might get stung for back-taxes.

Setting up on your own is not as scary as it sounds. If you get a good accountant they can write off lots of money as expenses and you end up paying a lot less tax. An accountant will charge in the order of 拢1000 a year. It's definitely worth it!
name common

Does any know of a rental car company that has Honda Odysseys? National Chain only..?

it varys by location since most are franchises. just call them up and ask them. you can look it up on their web sites and it will tell what the corporate locations have.
Does any know of a rental car company that has Honda Odysseys? National Chain only..?
how was it no help. i told you where you could get teh info from. Report Abuse

I receive e-mail from national standard security company they saying i won are this true?

Sun, 25 May 2008 19:40:04 +0530 (IST)

From: "" %26lt;; Add Mobile Alert

Subject: Dear Lucky Winner


P O Box 1010 Liverpool, L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM

(Customer Services)

Dear Lucky Winner,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of UNITED KINGDOM NATIONAL LOTTERY international Lottery programs. The online cyber lotto draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 21,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet, no tickets were sold.After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address emerged as one of two winners in the category \"D\" with the following winning information:

REF No: UKNL-L/200-26937

BATCH No: 2005MJL-01

TICKET No: 20511465463-7644

SERIAL No: S/N-00168

LUCKY No: 887-13-865-37-10-83

You as well as the other winner are therefore to receive a cash prize of 500,000,00 (Five Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) each from the total payout. Your prize award has been insured with your e-mail address and will be transferred to you upon meeting our requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report.To begin the claims processing of your prize winnings you are advised to contact our licensed and accredited claims agent for category \"D\" winners with the information below:

To file for your claim, please contact the processing agent;

Agents Name: Dr. Ali Wilcox

Email:claimsoffice (

TEL :+447024032186


Please note; You are hereby advice to send the asign Fiduciary Agent,

details below for Processing of your Claims;




(4)AGE :







Congratulations once more from our members and staff and thank you for

Being part of our promotional program.

Thanks and Regards,

Mr .W Adams.
I receive e-mail from national standard security company they saying i won are this true?
It may be people trying to scam you so it better you contact the number given and only if you are sure its safe should you give them your details. Hey you may have turned lucky and won.
Reply:NO it is scam.
Reply:No, just don't believe to all this...this is nothing but rubbish....You should just delete this message.

I got one like this once and tried to interact...but after that they ask you for a bank account or ask you to send some money for transportation charges....

Just beware of letters like this...and never-ever believe on them. It is a pure scam....
Reply:no it's a scam delete that message. do not put all your information. as u know theres a lot of yahoo spammer.
Reply:It is Spam you will recieve lot of emails like that it is all spam
Reply:100% false.Do not give them any ...personal info. such as Bank a/c number,I D Proof ,phone no/Fax no..,postal address etc.,

Basing on your details the Scammers can mis use your identity

and cheat u .

Reply:It's 100% spam and to have a look at similer spam mails

like mail from





THE UK NATIONAL LOTTERY Sweepstakes International Program.


THE IRISH LOTTERY Sweepstakes International Program.


De Lotto (Electronic Lotreij)

and as from some chinese bank

please visit
Reply:all these are lies ,dont belive on ,such messages they send to every 2nd person and this is just watage of time,.......................
Reply:I just got one too:


P O Box 1010 Liverpool, L70 1NL UNITED KINGDOM

(Customer Services)

Dear Lucky Winner,

We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual final draws of UNITED KINGDOM NATIONAL LOTTERY international Lottery programs. The online cyber lotto draws was conducted from an exclusive list of 21,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer search from the internet, no tickets were sold.After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address emerged as one of two winners in the category \"D\" with the following winning information:

REF No: UKNL-L/200-26937

BATCH No: 2005MJL-01

TICKET No: 20511465463-7644

SERIAL No: S/N-00168

LUCKY No: 887-13-865-37-10-83

You as well as the other winner are therefore to receive a cash prize of 500,000,00 (Five Hundred Thousand Pounds Sterling) each from the total payout. Your prize award has been insured with your e-mail address and will be transferred to you upon meeting our requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report.To begin the claims processing of your prize winnings you are advised to contact our licensed and accredited claims agent for category \"D\" winners with the information below:

To file for your claim, please contact the processing agent;

Agents Name: Dr. Ali Wilcox

Email:claimsoffice (

TEL :+447024032186


Please note; You are hereby advice to send the asign Fiduciary Agent,

details below for Processing of your Claims;




(4)AGE :







Congratulations once more from our members and staff and thank you for

Being part of our promotional program.

Thanks and Regards,

Mr .W Adams.

And I checked the answers to these questions, and I guess you are all right.

I will dis regard.

Reply:This is a scam. No ligit company would use yahoo mail for there E-mail, they would have there own site. Another give away is errors in grammar and spelling, any real company would have someone proofread the final draft.
Reply:hehe no! I get job offers they say chandrani dutta you are choosed for our multi international company confirm your job..... eventhough Im 14..!

they also make visa for me madness

these all kind of emails are fake