Saturday, November 7, 2009

Did you do a search to find out? Did you check the yellow pages for a local agent? They can direct you to a website or give you a quote over the phone.

This is not a knock on you but just a general statement on computer users: Have we totally and completely forgotten how to use the yellow pages and our telephones? More people have home phone and cell phones than anytime in history but they don't have the skills, or know-how to use the the tools available to them to find what they need.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Hope the search info helps. Sorry to have used your question to vent.
scientific name

I have job in national company since last 12 years can i leave job for better opr. my presebt ctc is 120000?

Sure you can always get a job somewhere . . . . . just make sure you have the new job before you quit the old one.

You've been there 12 years, why do you want to leave?? More money or advancement??

The grass is not always greener somewhere else especially with the job market the way it is now and so many businesses are closing down and laying off employees.

Who does NGC (national gas company of TT) supply gas to?

can you geve specific names of companies etc.......getting trouble finding info on this
Who does NGC (national gas company of TT) supply gas to?
They supply to National Petroleum Company of Barbados as well.
Reply:NGC supplies gas to downstream industries in Trinidad and Tobago. I imagine this would include selling to Atlantic LNG, Ispat (now Mittal Steel), Phoenix Park Gas Processors. I would guess that Industrial Gases Limited would also get gas from NGC.

PowerGen would also most likely get gas from NGC to convert into electricity to sell to T%26amp;TEC.
Reply:check out this site hope it helps

I am looking for a company named Clark National Products Inc. located at 984 Amelia Ave. in San Dimas, CA 9177

I purchased a Bamix from them at a Pomona Fair years ago and need a part.
I am looking for a company named Clark National Products Inc. located at 984 Amelia Ave. in San Dimas, CA 9177
go to and do a reverse address search, type in the address and you will get their phone #
Reply:I know it is really hard to track down the booth people. But you might try and contact the fair and ask for an exhibitors telephone number.

What is a multi-national company/TNC?

A TNC is a company who has factories in one country and their HQ in their home country.

For example: Pepsi, Honda ect.
family name

Has any entrepreneur went into business with National Wholesale Company (NWC) and was successful?

Years ago I signed up for NWC before I had a clear understanding of what I was getting myself into and let it fall to the wayside. Now I'm much older and thinking about giving it another shot. This company floods my inbox on my AOL account with emails of joining them and promises big money. Has anyone else signed up with National Wholesale Company and have they made any money from the materials they were given, either website or printed catalog?
Has any entrepreneur went into business with National Wholesale Company (NWC) and was successful?
I learned early on to do due diligence on any opportunity I looked at. Check company out before you invest your hard earned money into it. I normally start my investigations at, then go on to, better business, the states attorney generals office, and everywhere else I can. I learn about other people experience with them before deciding anything. Here's some complaints I found for you, be wary. You can search the internet and find plenty more...
Reply:Hey there,

I just noticed your question on yahoo about a home buissness. I wanted to share a program i found that has admazed me. I know you were trying to find something that didnt require a start up fee. How does free for a week cost..then ten dollars a mth sound? You can easly make ur ten dollars back in a flash..i know it sounds to good to be true..but you owe it to yourself to just check out the movie clip at

Again thankyou for your time. If you have any questions at all please email.

Thank you for your time,

Jessica Knowles

GDI Affiliate
Reply:They are definetly an opportunity to earn income, however, how many people do you know that would purchase products off of you.

If you can find 100 of your friends, family, or others to start you out, then yes this is what you want to do. If you are looking to market your product online, you may need to rethink your option as online marketing is extremely competitive and can be expensive if first starting out.

Why do they use the queens head on British stamps when the Royal Mail is not even a national company?

I.E are we democracy or republic. And what can we do to stop the onslaught? Its a bout time the queen gave up her throne anyway... Its only a matter of time. We will give her a good pension and a great retirment party if thats whats she wants. But it is going to happen.. The sooner the better.. ....No hard Majesty. as long as you give us our palaces and treasures and money we will let you retire gracefully.............anyone else agree.

Star if you do
Why do they use the queens head on British stamps when the Royal Mail is not even a national company?
and this is a LGBT question?

must of been yahoo with the word queen..
Reply:might have something to do with the fact that stamps are legal tender... same reason the queens head is on bank notes and coins.

did you know talking about disbanding the monarchy is treason, and we are technically at war so really, you should by law be shot.

Besides, getting rid of the monarchy didn't work last time we tried it, why should it be better now?

(oh, and the nation couldn't afford to keep the palaces etc, she funds alot of the maintinence out of the money she makes out of horses)
Reply:Sorry...I disagree. And I'm an American. What you have in the monarchy is thousands of years of heritage, pomp, circumstance, and an authority figure of whom the nation can be proud. Do not judge her by her family, judge her on HER actions...she got in there during WWII and did her part, she's tried to facilitate peace, and regardless of what you think, there are those who admire and respect her.

My question to you is: what onslaught? For the past 20 years there's been talk of disbanding the monarchy...have you no national pride? And what's with the "our palaces and treasures and money" line? Obviously you're too young to remember "By her grace."

Why is she on the British stamps? Because she IS Elizabeth II.
Reply:I'm a Canadian...she's still on our stamps and money and she is still our queen as well.
Reply:hypocracy comes to mind.why do you think the government dare not have a poll on keeping the monarchy.i think you know what that answer would be.
Reply:It is not illegal to send a letter in the UK with a stamp which doesn't contain the queens head, I received a letter from a young relative with a stamp with Postman Pat on it, a toy stamp.

But that was only due to the generousity of spirit of some royal mail workers. If you do not put a proper stamp, with the queens head on, they can charge for delivery of the letter or package to the people receiving it.

The Queens head is as good as any mark to authenticate the genuine postage stamps, from the others.

And I think the Royal Mail works nationally as well as across borders with other companies.
Reply:is she a lesbian now!! geez, the world just isnt straight anymore.. look better on loo roll though to answer the question...
Reply:I think it is disgraceful to even contemplate getting rid of the monarchy. Our number 1 attraction for tourism is our Royal heritage and family. As our head of state the Queen has more respect than any politician will ever have. The fact that even Australia voted to keep the Queen as its figurehead shows how highly she is regarded around the world and you sit there moaning !!! So no I do not agree with you and you treasonous comments!!
Reply:Cos she owns the company that makes the glue.

I have an old state national life insurance policy dated in 1962 need to get in touch with company how?

i need to know hoe to get in touch with this company it is out fo baton rouge la.
I have an old state national life insurance policy dated in 1962 need to get in touch with company how?
Check with your state insurance department. They will have all the information on any insurer that was ever licensed to do business in your state.

Is reebok a milti-national company?

Yes, Reebok is a multinational company.

Read the third paragraph, last sentence.
Is reebok a milti-national company?
Reply:To define Multinational.

You need first to operate in more than one country.

The term Multi means more than one.

The term National means of a nation or Country.

So if the company operate in more than one Country then they are by definition a 'Multinational'

Reebok are sold world wide %26amp; operate out of the UK %26amp; USA with manufacturing in the far east. So this qualifies them as the above.

As a footnote, Reebok make some of the worst sportswear in the history of man. Adidas %26amp; Puma are the business for cool gear. Reebok haven't been a main player since the 80's %26amp; Nike sell over priced junk.
Reply:Yep, it's trans-national corporation, I believe.
dog names

What is NBC [National Broadcastic Company]????

I need help with that because I don't pay attention to that and my teacher told me to get the information from the internet!!!!!!!!!!
What is NBC [National Broadcastic Company]????
First of all...NBC stands for National Broadcasting Company not National Broadcast Corporation...

NBC is one of the 3 top american news broadcasting to ABC and CBS

NBC also features a program called THE NIGHTLY NEWS..with Brian Williams..he took over after Peter Jennings..
Reply:The second word is Broadcast. The third word may be corporation.
Reply:It's the National Broadcasting Network and is viewable in about 97% of all households in the U.S.

Here's a internet site with more info:

Where can i get the placement paper of national insurance company(NICL) for computer science?

Here you will got lot of placement papers, you have to check detail on below site.:-


How has Enterprise Rent-A-Car (ERAC) defined its service differently than that of national car rental company?

Service management: operations, strategy, information technology

case study 8.2- Enterprise Rent-A-Car
How has Enterprise Rent-A-Car (ERAC) defined its service differently than that of national car rental company?
They bring the car to you.

Very, very smart strategy.
Reply:the last time I used enterprise, I picked up the car, it needed fuel, was not warmed up and I scraped ice off windows. they brought me another car, to make their life easier-would not pick up the phone locally, and instead of meeting me at home 3 blocks from their office, extended my lunch break and ended up meeting me at work-I called the national line to let them know I had to get back to work and to meet me at my office if they HAD to swap out cars. I had no time to check it and the new one had fuel but needed an oil change and had some serious scrapes, truly they were aweful.

So, locally they don't answer phones and don't care for their fleet. I was very unimpressed.

Nationally, their ads look good.

I need to find a company to help me with national deliveries?

IN Alaska Atlantic city Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Connecticut Colorado Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Las Vegas Nevada Los Angeles Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana New Hampshire Nebraska New Jersey New Mexico New Orleans New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island San Francisco Savannah Seattle Washington South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington DC West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
I need to find a company to help me with national deliveries?
Not sure exactly what you need. Were in the trucking business but I need more information.Do you need to ship to those areas such as a drop ship or do deliveries need made from each of those locations?email with info.
Reply:?? You mean UPS ??
dog names

Does anyone know of a company or business that will give you a national certificate for completing a course?

I need a carpentry and masonry certificate for completing a 2 year course at a career and technical school.
Does anyone know of a company or business that will give you a national certificate for completing a course?
Not sure exactly what you are asking.

If you've completed the course at a scholl, they will give you a certification of some sort. You don't need one from the business.

If you are looking for someone to pay for you to go to school, you will just have to check with individual businesses in your area.

Where should I get my diamond ring appraised? Is there a "reputable" national appraisal company?

Just got my ring from Bluenile. I want to get a 2nd appraisal.

How do I know who to pick? I'm in Chicago for anyone in Chi-town.
Where should I get my diamond ring appraised? Is there a "reputable" national appraisal company?
GIA is the major appraisal people...but they handle the registry and certification of appraisers more than actually looking at the rings.

Call jewelry stores in your area and choose an appraiser who is GIA certified. It will cost you about $60. They are always pretty reputable and know what they are doing. If not they would loose their certification.

History of central national oil company. I think the company was from Oklahoma in the 1920's?

Gee, I guess not everything can be found on the internet... The only thing I found was a lawsuit involving the company in 1926:

I wonder if the American Oil %26amp; Gas Historical Society ( could help you find what you are looking for.

Best of luck. :)

Did any one heard of a company called Ellison national finance,if so did you get any money from these people?

My husband and i were approved last friday, completed all the paperwork, we also had to secure a payment. We completed all that by monday. We hadn't recieved our funds till wed night and got worried. After a little delay, we recieved our funds yesterday. I must admit the process is nerve racking but its worth the outcome. I actually dealt with James Lawson, he was pretty good.

I would refer them to anyone who has a questionable credit history.

i hope this has helped

Did any one heard of a company called Ellison national finance,if so did you get any money from these people?
I do am approved of this loan but putting security deposit makes me think twice. Is this real? Report Abuse

Reply:Ellison National Finance is a Fraud company - DO NOT FALL FOR THEM! Report Abuse

Reply:Scam - written all over it - and look at the "best answer" - the profile was solely formed to answer this question - a scammer trying to cover his/her tracks??? Report Abuse

Reply:this is a scam almost under investigagtion,if anyone has proof of a loan being deposited into account,speak now,otherwise all actions are going to be taken. Report Abuse

Reply:Watch for these idiots. Looks like they've scammed enough under the name Ellison National Finance, and are now operating under Edward Norman Financial. The morons didn't even really make any changes to their website!! Report Abuse

Reply:Never heard of them.

Things to watch out for:

1) If they contacted you through this or any other message board, they are SCAMMERS.

2) If they are using a web-based email address (Yahoo!, gmail, Hotmail, etc.) they are SCAMMERS.

3) If they approve you for a loan but what you to pay them some money first, they are SCAMMERS.
Reply:I was also wondering if anyone has heard of this company or received a loan from them??? Is there anyone in Canada that can verify this information?
Reply:It's a Canada's company

fantasy name

National insurance contributions for company directors?

how is it gathered and what effect does it have on state pension. I heard that the pension is an enhanced one, how and why.
National insurance contributions for company directors?
ex tax inspector is spot on as you would expect. If the reason for the question is that you havent been paying any NI contribitions then you need to contact your local tax office and ask them for an employer pack which will explain everything you need to know.

Many people operating as a limited company see themselves as self-employed - which of course they arent. Check out the rules surrounding IR35 which should explain all.
Reply:Company directors are no different to other employees - they pay class 1 NIC's on their salary under PAYE. Only enhanced if they are high earners.

A very informative website, kindly stay in website and check.

On average, how many national satellite or cable channels does a company pay to have their add run?

First off satellite channels are cables channels just delivered via satellite.

There is no average, no magic number. It depends highly on the type of product or service your are advertising. Your question is really not a question.

Many ad campaigns don't even use cable TV, they might use network TV, magazines, radio, or newspapers. As you can see your question really doesn't make sense.

Do National insurance in uk know for which company we work?

Your National Insurance contributions are deducted by your employer and declared to the Revenue at the end of each financial year - 5th April - on their annual returns, so yes, they do know who your employer is.
Do National insurance in uk know for which company we work?
Yes - the employer pays NI too!
Reply:YES! was that meant to be a joke? y do u think they have NI numbers?!
Reply:LOL of course!!!!!

Not paying the National Check Trust company on time?

We bought a vehicle in March and wrote a check for $5000 for the down payment. The dealership said they would hold the check for 30 days so we could request the money from our retirement fund. We were only able to pull out about $1000 so when it came time to deposit that check it was going to bounce. I called the company that guaranteed the check, National Check Trust, and they told me to place a stop payment on the check. I did. Then about 2 weeks later they started calling wanting the $5000. I still don't have that much and am wondering what, if any, legal issues they can bring against me. I want to pay, I just can't pay $5000 all at once. Please answer only if you know an answer for sure. No, "Your going to jail... I think," answers please. I really appreciate it.
Not paying the National Check Trust company on time?
They can bring up a breech in contract and sue for damages.
Reply:If you stopped payment on the check, they can't have cashed it AT ALL. Either they never stopped payment, or you aren't telling the whole story.
Reply:Not jail; but they have the right to pursue you for the funds, file judgement, and collect against your assets. Stopping payment on a check after you took posession of the vehicle may also be check fraud in your state. Get them on the phone and get a deal worked out; and maybe call the DA and ask them what your criminal liability is in your county
Reply:You can't trust companies to do what was verbally agreed to. One person at a company might have said they would hold the check longer, someone else might try to deposit it, then you in trouble for a bounced check.

You need to renegotiate the car loan, perhaps with another bank, before they repossess your car for defaulting on the written agreement. Get that $ 5,000.00 check back from the downpayment, and make a new contract, where over time you will be paying much more $ because of a smaller down payment.

Look into what else you can use for collateral ... do you own a home that you can 2nd mortgage?
name common

US Citizen revolt? Are you facing employment problem where companies favor foreign nationals?

No but I am having a hard time finding qualified Americans to fill my engineer positions. ( I work in Silicon Valley)
US Citizen revolt? Are you facing employment problem where companies favor foreign nationals?
no. i'm black.

There is this C,E of a multi national company whos office is located on the 15th floor of a 20 storry buildng?

when ever he comes to office if alone at lift ,he stops at the 10th floor and uses the stair case to finish up the remainig five, but with other staff in the lift he goes straight to his office. My question is why is he not going straight to his office when alone in the lift?
There is this C,E of a multi national company whos office is located on the 15th floor of a 20 storry buildng?
Is he a midget/dwarf/person of restricted height who can't reach the 15 button by himself.
Reply:It's his way of keeping fit but he doesn't want anyone else to know that he does it.

What insurance company brought out national standard life insurance company in orlando fl?

National Standard is now part of Zurich Group.

National Standard Insurance Company

(a member of Zurich Financial Services Group)
What insurance company brought out national standard life insurance company in orlando fl?
if you want life security you have to check more info

Is there named national lottery company in south Africa?

If you have received ANY letters or emails telling you that you can win from the South Africa Lottery, run as far away as you can! It's a major scam! Has cost people millions!
Is there named national lottery company in south Africa?
i dont think so!
Reply:There very well might be.

If you LIVE in South Africa and BOUGHT a ticket there you are in with a chance.

If you received an email telling you that you won the lottery...then its a scam..

Lotterys work like this:

1)10,000 people pay 1 dollar/euro/pound/yen....etc

The lottery company now has 10,000

2) the lottery company holds a draw and gives out 7,000 in winnings (and keeps the profit 3,000)

Scams work like this:

-1)nobody pays money (there is no money to win)

0)a scammer sends out 10,000 spam emails to tell people they have won a lottery they havn't entered.(they pretend they work for real lottery websites)

2)The Scammer asks for your Personal details (be prepared! your inbox is going to be full of emails asking for you personally...and dont get me started on what they are gonna do with your Bank details!)

3)The scammer tells you that you have to pay fees before you can accept the "winnings" (and NO,you cant pay out of the winnings! they dont exist!....silly maga)

4)The scammer manages to con 3 people out of 1000 and gives all his profits to a charity for orphaned goats (he dosn't really...he keeps it ;) )

5)Your inbox gets more mails than

Everything from "You have won anotther sooperdooperlottry" to "CHAN U B A NEXT OF KIN" to "Please join our company,cash our checks,send us the money until your bank realises you are laundering money for us?)

The moral of the story is...If it sounds too good to be true... It probably is
girl name

May a foreign national living in the US form a Limited Liability Company?

Hi Kevin,

You can check with a company in India.

Mr. Rishi Harlalka

Rishi Madhur and Company, Bangalore

Chartered Accountants

1st Floor, HVM House, # 106, Amarjyothi Layout, Off Intermediate Ring Road, Domlur

Bangalore, Karnataka - 560 017, (India)

Phone : +(91)-(80)-41145757/25352222

Fax : +(91)-(80)-41145858

E-Mail :

What company has CAnada's largest portable climbing wall and the only one with National Reach?
name latin

My company [a national company] is now asking us to close the store alone without a second person because it w

ants to save on labor dollars. It is a slow period because of the warmer weather. This will save one hour a night for them. We suggested just having the last person in an hour later, so they can save the hour, and we can still close with two people for security purposes, but they say no because that extra person during reg bus hours generates more income for them. So in other words screw our safety at midnight, but generate the dollars....My question is, is this something that could be taken to a lawyer if I were fired for not complying to work alone? What would happen if I were robbed and hurt? Could my spouse sue the company? I don't understand why for their own security they don't feel it important to have 2 closing people? This business is located on the corner of town, it has big look in plate glass windows, it would mean leaving myself into a dark parking lot at midnight each night. What are my choices? I have worked here 9 years and I am crushed that they would be so harsh just
My company [a national company] is now asking us to close the store alone without a second person because it w
Uh....just do it. If you get fired for worring about something that never happend, you'll be out of luck.

If you get robbed, your company policy is to hand them whatever they want. IF you get injured after that, they have insurance.

I'd do it and job hunt; but I tend to be practical about such things

Is Shalom Weiss running National Heritage Insurance Company in absentia?
Is Shalom Weiss running National Heritage Insurance Company in absentia?

Is Liberty National insurance a good company to work for?

It can be. It is up to you. The company is a good company and well known in the south, but you have to make the commitment necessary to succeed.

Has anyone heard of National Automotive inc. company in Louisiana?

Do ypu know the phone # for them
Has anyone heard of National Automotive inc. company in Louisiana?
try 316 262 8932
most popular name

MNC= Multi National Company, Then CMM= ?

Type of Company
MNC= Multi National Company, Then CMM= ?
Capability Maturity Model - CMM.
Reply:Capability Maturity Model, a multiple-layer description of software engineering process maturity developed at the Software Engineering Institute.
Reply:Capability Maturity Model (short names:CMM,CMMI,PCMM) is a collection of instructions an organization can follow with the purpose to gain better control over its software development process.

The CMM ranks software development organizations according to a hierarchy of five process maturity levels. Each level ranks the development environment according to its capability of producing quality software. A set of standards is associated with each of the five levels. The standards for level one describe the most immature, or chaotic, process, and the standards for level five describe the most mature, or quality, process. Currently an estimated 75% of software development organizations achieve only level 1 standards (source as of May 10, 1998).

The CMM was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh in the mid-1980s. It has been used extensively for avionics software and government projects. Currently, some government departments require software development contract organization to achieve and operate at a level 3 standard..

Merits of multi-national company?

merits of multi-national company
Merits of multi-national company?
1.Higher job opportunities

2.Greater economic growth for the country

3.Technological upgradations will take place

4.Greater value for education

5.Greater research opportunities

6.Higher infrastructural growth
Reply:There are several benefits that multinationals enjoy over purely domestic companies. One is economies of scale and scope. Another is access to cheap financing (between Europe, Japan, and North America, there's always cheaper financing to be had somewhere). Yet another is the ability to arbitrage labor markets (i.e., place the work where it is the cheapest). Yet another is the limited vulnerability to an economic downturn in any single country.
Reply:good advertising
Reply:1)Bring in huge capital

2)Provide employment

3)Increase standard of living

4)Provide with better quality of goods

5)Growth of domestic firms

6)bring in sophesticated technology to host country
Reply:it is a very big company across the world it is common sense
Reply:1. Invest capital and reap huge profits from across the globe to h country of origin.

2. Good jobs to a few very high paying and vast unemployment.

3. ability to sell dirt at the Price of gold.

4. Ability to eat away and demolish domestic enterprises.

5. Change mindset of people such that they can be proud of plundering their own country men.

And many more....depends which side of tide you wish to stand
Reply:hey someone wins ..................................

( simple words easy to understand-- no business jargon )

scales of economy

global market place

best resources

cheap production ( manufacturing )

market availaibilty ( to sell)

financial viability ( capital %26amp; marketing resources )

better results :( but the small guy looses

so no matter what the conditions

-the benefits are there, for a more leaner %26amp; meaner organization

benefiting from all aspects of operating

a "better profit" business

Webside development on multi national company?

on any type of product in India so i need all type requirement which is used to create a webside or if u have any perpared side then also infom me
Webside development on multi national company?
It should be WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT, NOT WEBSIDE DEVELOPMENT. Multi National Companies give lot of importance for communication skills. First improve your English Knowledge. Learn good communication skills. Attend courses offered by various institutions in your subject.

Excell in your subject. Automatically, success is yours. Best of luck.
Reply:We offer service, kindly be specific.

Is there a company in India with the name National Panasonic?

Panasonic Appliances were branded in India as "National Panasonic" earlier. Now it is just Panasonic. This is a Japanese brand. Products are manufactured in India through a JV and marketed under the brand name.
Is there a company in India with the name National Panasonic?
National is a brand named owned by Matsushita, which also owns the Panasonic brand, but they are in the process of phasing out the National brand I beleive and everything will just be called Panasonic.
jewish name

I have received a notification from The National Lottery company that I have won a prize.. Please Help?

Please let me know if the company is genuine. It send me an email that i have won thousands of pounds and asking me to send 500 pounds so that they can courier the cheque to me.

Please help me urgently and suggest if the company is genuine or is it a scam.. I am giving below the adress of the lottery company :

The National Lottery

P O Box 1010

Liverpool, L70 1NL


(Customer Services)

Ref: UK/9420X2/68/EB




Please treat this as urgent and tell me how to proceed.. will be highly grateful to early replies..
I have received a notification from The National Lottery company that I have won a prize.. Please Help?
The UK National Lottery scam is one that is listed on several websites, including the one I've listed below.

However, the fact that they want you to pay 拢500 for a 拢1000 prize is enough to tell that it is a scam without any further research.
Reply:of course that's NOT genuine!
Reply:It is a scam, ignore it...

35 Years loyal service to National Company!`?

Husband finally received his 35 year Rolex watch and guess what? He has to pay tax on it? Isn't that a kick in the teeth? Don't you think the company is as cheap as they can get? I mean how many 35 year employees do THEY have anyway? What are your feelings and I think this should go to the news!
35 Years loyal service to National Company!`?
i feel the same way as you do but anything given to you by your company that has a monetary value, needs for tax to be paid on it.

last year, i won a contest and the prize was fully taxable

enjoy the watch
Reply:What? Why are you angry with the company? It has absolutely nothing to do with them. It's the Internal Revenue Code that dictates all gifts from a company to an employee (unless it's incredibly small) must be taxed- not your husband's company. Be grateful he got anything. There are thousands of companies out there who've cut bonuses, salaries, jobs, and benefits. The fact that your husband's company still gave him such a generous gift shows he IS valued- not that he isn't.

You should be happy- I would be. :0)

Do agents with Liberty National Insurance company go "door to door" to respond to leads?

Not a normal practice for any agent with any company!!
Do agents with Liberty National Insurance company go "door to door" to respond to leads?
No, the agents no longer go "door to door" but most of the appointments that are set are at the client's home. But to answer your question, going door to door selling insurance is no longer needed. Report Abuse

Is there National Lottery Company (SA) exist in South Africa?

Is there a computer ballot lottery conducted by National Lottery Company (SA)on a quartly basic?
Is there National Lottery Company (SA) exist in South Africa?
there are 2 weekly lotto draws in South on a wednesday night and the other on a saturday night
Reply:yes there is
first name

Help! I was rear-ended by a large, national company's truck driver?

I was rear-ended at a red light by one of the company's employee after I got off from work (Texas).

I spoke with a claims rep @company the employee works for. The claims rep says they will NOT accept any liability for any claims 'til she speaks with the employee %26amp; the investigation is complete.

The driver was at fault %26amp; was given a ticket. I have med bills, loss of wages (5 days), ER visit, physical therapy (3 weeks). I asked at-fault company for a loss of wage form -- she replied they have no such form %26amp; to contact my employer. I've inquired with the HR dept of my company. They state most companies DO have a generalized form for loss wages %26amp; which they will need to have in order to complete the request.

I'm not out to sue for $$ but would like to have my vehicle repaired, med bills/therapy/loss of wages paid, %26amp; etc.

My ?: If the company comes with an offer, am I obligated to accept it? Can I hire an attorney AFTER if should I don't agree with offer from at-fault company?
Help! I was rear-ended by a large, national company's truck driver?
no you don't have to accept the amount they offer you, but it would be wise to get a lawyer NOW, to get proper advice on how to handle the situation
Reply:Your not obligated to accept a offer

They better have Insurance on that employee to drive their truck or you can get a lawyer and get all damages including lost time for work plus court costs and lawyer fees.paid for.

It sounds like they didn't are they are just trying to scare you .from pursuing what has happened to you. Don' t give up.
Reply:I would hire a lawyer right away. It might be too late to hire an attorney by the time the company offers you money. No, you don't have to accept the amount they offer you. But you will more than likely need a lawyer to negotiate.

My fiance was in a wreck a little over a year ago. I am so glad he hired a lawyer. If he didn't we would have been left to pay all the medical bills. There are lawyers out there that will work for free untli they win your settlement, then that is when they get their money. That is how we did it. We didn't have to pay any lawyer fees at all. It all came from the settlement. Yes, it did take a year to settle this dispute but it was well worth it. So, don't try to handle this on your own. You will have much greater success with a lawyer. If you are still hesitant on using a lawyer, then at least call and talk to one. They may be able to give you some advise.
Reply:You are not obligated to accept their offer. Give them a chance to do the right thing and if they don't, then talk to a lawyer.
Reply:I was in a similar situation a few years ago, when a crane rear ended me. I was hoping to deal openly and honestly with the company, but they acted as if it was my fault and refused to pay. In retrospect I see they were bullying me. I needed an attorney to go after them and force accountability. My advice to you- seek legal help. A large company could very well bully you out of what's duly your compensation for lost wages, and damages. Learn from my mistake.
Reply:You're never obligated to accept an offer. If they make an offer, and you don't like it, you can negotiate back for a higher one, or you can retain a lawyer.

Remember, though, that whatever fees your lawyer is entitled to will come out of YOUR share, and will typically be 30% -40% of the total.

If the blame was clearcut, and their driver was cited at the scene, the company will probably make a fair offer to start with, because they don't want to throw bad money after good in paying a lawyer to defend a no-hope case any more than you want to give 30% or 40% of the settlement to a lawyer to ask for a bigger settlement.


Is the insurance company liberty national a scam?

Nope, they're a real company. AM Best rates them A+ X, which makes them financially strong.
Is the insurance company liberty national a scam?
I just got an e-mail from them too offering me a job and I was wondering the same thing. Report Abuse

Reply:Liberty National is a large insurance company in the south. Their home office is in Birmingham and they are a part of the Aon corp. They are not a scam.
Reply:most insurance companies are scams

What's your worst customer service story from a national company?

mine is probably going to be abbey - their customer service has been very, very, poor.

my son had 拢100+ taken out of his account fraudulently and despite completing the correct forms etc it has taken from october 2007 until february 2008 for him to recover his money!

two more attempts were made on the same day - he isn't old enough to gamble anyway, but that isn't abbey's fault.

you phone abbey, they don't phone back when they promise to.

you ask for another claim letter to be sent, they insist its on its way, but it never turns up.

you phone a given number to speak to an adviser - there's no answer on the phone.

they ask you to leave a message, but theres no answer machine service - apparently its dependant on someone passing the phone and picking it up when it rings...

i went into the local branch yesterday and asked for a return phone call - nothing!

the only reason he got his money back was because he wrote 7 complaint letters to the head office and local branch.
What's your worst customer service story from a national company?

Went to tescos, bought a new TV. It cost me lets say 拢400.97 (was alot more than that!) This TV was a tesco brand, EXCLUSIVE to tescos.

Anyway, the story begins. TV broke two and a half months after I had bought it... It broke. So... I went into tescos and asked for a replacement. They said they wouldnt accept as I didnt have a reciept. (I had lost it... but I know my rights and you dont have to hve a reciept if its faulty) so to amuse them I went back, phoned up their technical support. The lady on the phone agreed that it wasnt a fixable fault and that I was in need of a new TV

Great! but it goes on... "can you please give me the number on the bottom of your reciept so I can authorise a refund"

No, I dont have my reciept, So she said that I could go and get a duplicate reciept from Tescos. Yay!

So I walk down to tescos and ask for a duplicate reciept. They refuse unless I can prove I purchaced the Tv from them... (?!?!?!) So I get on to my bank and they issue me with a bank statement which shows up as "Tescos store XXXX...拢400.97 October 17th 2007"

So I take this to tescos and they say "well proves nothing, for all we know you could have just spent that on shopping" I stress that Im not wanting a refund, just an exchange (which the tech support authorised remember) so I tell them to ring up tech support themselves and listen to them authorising the exchange over the phone. So I rang up (It was 5pm and I waited about 45mins...they werent happy as they were paying for the phone call!) Anyways the tech support finally authorised the exchange, but said it was at the managers descretion. The manager refused. I asked them if they would go and get my duplicate reciept, and they said no. I asked again, rguing my rights as a consumer that I didnt need a reciept if a product is faulty. She didnt believe me (honestly! a manager not knowing the rights of a consumer!!!!) and still flat out refused. I asked her how long they kept reciepts for and she said Tescos keep reciepts for 3 months so I asked her to get my reciept, and she refused again, I asked her why and she said that it was later than three we were in January now. And she counted it on her fingers! and gave me that cocky smile and said to me "well, your just going to have to buy another TV if you want another that bad"

I smiled back and said "Its January 15th today"

Yup, two days within the three months! She then said that she had to take my whole bank statement downstairs with her (the WHOLE statement?!) I refused obvioulsy! she got in a huff (I didnt mind) and eventually brought up my reciept!

Yay! what annoyed me the most is that she was the one that actually sold me the TV!!! but I got my exchange... and actually got a better model! as the old one was no longer in production!

So yeah...Tescos...KEEP ALL YOU RECIEPTS!
Reply:Be careful of buying anything in hmv, the back came off my son's psp he had it around 5 months so my husband took it into the shop were we purchased it, they told him it was accidental damage and to phone sony who told us it would be 拢65 for a reconditioned one or拢80 for a replacement without haven even looked at it so i phoned customer services at hmv who were very very nasty and basically accused me of breaking it i was so mad i phoned my local consumers advice and after 3 letters dictated to me by them theygave me a new one i have bought consoles from game and their customer service is excellent.
Reply:Virgin, in all its many guises. Their advertising is good, but the people they employ are half-wits and they never answer any cutomer question satifactorily.
Reply:Local Authorities. The absolute pits work there
Reply:An internist-would not recognize i was deep in pain due to cancer
Reply:That is awful. I'm with Lloyds and the same thing happened to me last year. I went straight in to see them and they extended my overdraft straight away until they could refund the money (a week later) and then looked into the problem. I never found out what they discovered, but internet fraud is so common now that the customer should be given the benefit of the doubt. I'd get him to change to lloyds if you can - I've found them brilliant overall.

The worst customer service probably has to be Natwest. Every branch i've visited seems to employ morons from the Underworld who were born without the ability to smile. I've had so many issues with them; which is why I changed to lloyds.

Barclaycard were also bad. I cancelled a credit card with them about 3 years ago and 2 years later I found out that they'd sent debt collectors to my old address as they had failed to cancel my card and it had a small amount left to pay (due to a computer error). So now they want me to pay 拢200. I called and called and the last time they spoke to me was a year ago. They said they were going to 'look into it' - but never contacted me. And because of them I have a bad credit rating!!! GRRRRR!!!

xx Emmie
Reply:U DONT wanna know believe me
Reply:Mine is with BT. When i switched to them they told me if i had the old phone line reconnected it would be free, so i did, even though it was upstairs and i really wanted one downstairs, because it saved me 拢134. A few days later the phone was disconnected but when i contacted them i was told it was an external fault which would be put right the next day without them having to call at my house. Several days later i was woken without warning by an engineer who wanted to come in and mend my connection (which was in my teenage sons bedroom!!!!!) Eventually it was put right, but then i received a bill for 拢134 connection fee when i had been assured that it was free. I refused to pay it and wrote a stern letter to the complaints department. 6 weeks later i got a call from a foreign call centre telling me in broken english that the charge still stood. No matter how much i explained to them they just kept repeating the same thing. I went mad and asked to speak to the manager, and i was passed on to another foreign person who kept repeating the same as the other woman. When i told them i wanted speak to the person who manages BT i was told that i would be phoned back the next day. I wasn't. It took another stern letter and 3 weeks before an english lady phoned me back and told me that there had been a misunderstanding and they had cancelled the charge.
Reply:Have you tried phoning BT? Don't!
Reply:A Citbank machine inside the bank robbed me of 1,200 dollars and the bank wasn't going to take responsibility. I wouldn't trust them with Girl Scout cookie money.

Verizon I have also had many problems with- Beware.
Reply:Next directory!

I ordered a bookcase from there last Feb. It didn't arrive so i rang them to check where it was, they couldn't trace it so they re-ordered it and low and behold, it never arrived. So i rang again, and again, it was lost so they re-ordered again!

2 wks later 3 bookcases were delivered to my house!

I refused to accept 2 and signed for one.

A month later i got a bill for 3 bookcases.

I spent 7 months writing and phoning to get them to remove the extra bookcases from the bill, all the while i was getting charged for not paying.

I finally got it settled when i refused to get off the line until i had spoken to a manager.

I must be mad because i ordered some clothes from them for my dad who was off to Australia and needed summer wear. Exactly the same thing has happened again.

The delivery guy was driving around for 4 wks with my packages in his van. He just didn't bother to deliver them!

Needless to say i refused to accept them as my dad had already left the country and promptly cancelled my account.

Oh, and the icing on the cake is they charged me for the delivery of every parcel!

Looking for a car hire company in Eastbourne. Not one of the national ones. Any ideas please.?

can't remember the name of it, but its in hailsham road stone cross eastbourne,i hope it any good for you.
Looking for a car hire company in Eastbourne. Not one of the national ones. Any ideas please.?
Try yellow pages

Is that possible to sell my national patent to a company outside my country?

Is that possible to sell my national patent to a company outside my country?
well your natioanl petent is only good in your nation so an outsider may just screw you over take your patent and never give you any royalties. I wouldn't do anything without a lawyer!
Reply:In the US, yes. You can sell the rights to your patent to anyone. By filing a patent you are making this information public and gaining the protection of exclusive use for a period of time. It is your property and you can do what you want with it.

Is there any company call "NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMTED(NOGL)UK" exist at 4 Wendy Ramon street ES5S WRN london?

National Oil And Gas Limited (NOGL)and Partners has the mandate to procure technical and expatriate labour to complement local personnel and contractors in series of project presently about to commence by National Oil And Gas Limited (NOGL), and the Chevron Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Joint Venture known as the LNG Plus project.
Is there any company call "NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMTED(NOGL)UK" exist at 4 Wendy Ramon street ES5S WRN london?
Sounds like a Nigerian spam - just delete it and do not respond to it or send money, you'll never see it again.

You have just been given permission to interview God for a national newspaper company. You are allowed to?

ask two questions only. what would they be? At the end of your question you must answer one of His questions. What would He ask you?
You have just been given permission to interview God for a national newspaper company. You are allowed to?
1. Can you please tell me all of the details of the creation of the universe?

2. Can you please tell me what you did before you created the universe?

Perhaps He would ask me:

What have you done to glorify Me?
Reply:So God, When is Jesus coming?

God, did you have enough compassion on me so I'll make it into Heaven?

God would perhaps say to me.....I want you to be the leader of my protection team, for the new (worlds) especially after Satan's release of his 1000years rein.
Reply:Will you forgive me?

If "yes" can you extend this forgiveness to the rest of humanity if I relinquish my own?

Who do you think you are?
Reply:I would not ask me anything...I already know it all. I figure if I wants me to know, I will tell me...So, I don't have anything I would ask him. On second thought...I might ask me to do the interview with the paper for him.
Reply:I would ask him

1) Dear lord, I have a chunk of pork in my mouth, and I am not planning on chewing it. How long will it take for the chunk of pork to deteriorate on its own?

2) May I ask you another question?

I'm pretty sure he'd want to ask me how I stay so damned sexy.
Reply:1. What is the true nature of the afterlife? Heaven, Hell, Angels etc.

2. What is the true history of the earth? Dinosaurs, Adam and Eve etc.

His question

When are you truly going to come unto me, and live my commandments
Reply:Why have so many suffered horrific deaths in your name?

If you created life, why is being slaughtered one of the only ways to get to heaven?

What would God ask me? Why didn't I value every life in this world? I weep for those I know, but shed few tears for those a world away.

If your God, can you make a rock so heavy that not even you can pick it up?


If your God, why do you always hide away when the whole world is in turmoil?

His Q:

Are you just dreaming this or is it real?

Who's right?

I beleive that is really up to god, but the question I would like him to ask is "How did you know?"
Reply:sorry, you are unable to approach the Lord our God as He is Holy. You can only approach Him through Christ Our Lord and Saviour
Reply:i would ask:

1) what can i do for you?

thats all, i think.

Which do you prefer? National Lending Company or Countrywide Financial?

for a loan or for employment?
Which do you prefer? National Lending Company or Countrywide Financial?
get a quote from both and give me a call. I guarantee a better deal, and a faster closing. If you want to work for one company, i would work for countywide.
Reply:As a mortgage broker I prefer Countrywide. Their customer service is excellent. National Lending I have never heard of.
name naming

Saturday, October 24, 2009

National Agent Alliance? Is it a good company to work for?

I have my Life and Health license, does anyone know the best Insurance Company to work for? I am a hard worker that wants to help people and make some money in the proccess. Thanks!
National Agent Alliance? Is it a good company to work for?
National Agents Alliance is more like a marketing group of independent insurance agents who specialize in Mortgage protection,Life insurance,Disability coverage and retirement planning useing insurance products like indexed annuities and Universal life. They will train you in the products that you choose to sell and be a support network for questions. I enjoy it because I have support but I run my own business. They also have an in house direct marketing leads program that is excellent. Contact me for any questions.
Reply:I am with NAA and it's a great company. You can make good money, even GREAT money with them but you will work for it. But if you treat it like a career and work hard at building your business, it can really be a great living. Report Abuse

Reply:Excellent company to work for! Both my parents work for them and have seen very satisfying results. Great pay, self-employed, what more can you ask for! Contact me if you would like more information.


Which company is the best American Home Shield or Fidelity National Home Warranty?

I insured with American Home Shield for my home warranty this year, and it went well. Recently, I got an offer from Fidelity National Home Warranty with the same coverage, but the price is $100 lower than American Home Shield's. I don't know which company is the best in the home warranty field. Please help me to make up my mind since my contract will expire in three weeks. Thank you!
Which company is the best American Home Shield or Fidelity National Home Warranty?
when i sold real estate no complaints came from ahs clients.

i don't know of the other co.

I got suspended with out pay for cold calling a company who was on the national do not call list. ?

I had no way of knowing that they were on the list. it was my first time calling the company. My company does not have the tools available for me to have check the number before i called but the business owner called in to managers and then sales manager suspended me without pay
I got suspended with out pay for cold calling a company who was on the national do not call list. ?
I think you have a good legal case. If your job involves soliciting others over the phone, it's your employer's responsibility to provide you with a current Do Not Call list, unless you agreed to obtain that yourself prior to your employment.
Reply:It's not your fault ~ the company didn't give you the necessary "tools" to be able to check if the company was on the list ~ its the company that "bought" the list in the first place, and they should have made sure that any number registered was deleted, or have their computers programmed to check numbers before you dial ~ you have an argument here, and should talk to the Sales Manager ~ or go to the CAB, and get free advice from a trained solicitor.
Reply:I guess you need a lawyer? Maybe go complaining to the press? If the company did in fact give you the number to begin with they have no right to fire you. Maybe you should go questioning human resources.
Reply:Good, wish it happened to the people that keep calling me. Perhaps you should consider getting a job that doesn't annoy others.
Reply:Swines! Have it out with them and threaten them with going to the press! Good luck.


Is there a national lottery company in niagara falls, new york?


Has anyone successfully sued a multi national drugs company?

recently olanzapine have told patients that some batches have been tampered with. is there any redress from the drugs company?

some of my patients symptoms have become worse.
Has anyone successfully sued a multi national drugs company?
There are lawsuits against drug companies all the time. The Vioxx and Phen Phen lawsuits are just one example.

Our Puffy National Embarassment, Al Gore, heads a company that sells carbon offsets. Is he the next PT Barnum?

Gore helped found Generation Investment Management, through which he and others pay for offsets. The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe, she said...

Gore is chairman of the firm and, presumably, draws an income or will make money as its investments prosper. In other words, he "buys" his "carbon offsets" from himself, through a transaction designed to boost his own investments and return a profit to himself. To be blunt, Gore doesn't buy "carbon offsets" through Generation Investment Management - he buys stocks.
Our Puffy National Embarassment, Al Gore, heads a company that sells carbon offsets. Is he the next PT Barnum?
Global Warming got you all heated up. Well my friend you need the New and Improved Al Gore Ice Age, just for men.

This revolutionary new treatment disregards millions of years of prior global warming and ice ages, and puts man at the center. Yes, you to, can be a part of the Al Gore Warming Trend, (just for men), become the Man that actually is the center of the universe that you always wanted to be in just seconds.

* This offer comes complete with carbon credits and a free Democratic National Committee Ice Chest. Not sold in any stores, so see your local chapter of the DNC today!
Reply:Al Gore is proof that fat Americans can still make movies. And that's about it.

He is also not a "National Embarrassment", as you call him.

Most of the world likes and admires Gore, unlike our current President.

That fact should be an embarrassment to The USA.

Teddy Roosevelt is rolling in his grave due to the Republicans failing to care for the environment.
Reply:Apparently neocons are all for "free enterprise" and private investment unless it's a Democrat who becomes an entrepreneur. Hypocrites!
Reply:I thought you were our greatest national embarrassment....Damn
Reply:Do you mean, as I fly my FA across the country, in a private jet, take a limo to an extreme energy consuming event, to pick up an award made from processed metal, chemically enhanced to appear gold, to earn mega-credits for doing so because I mention the term, "global warming"? Nahhh? It's just Al being "Al".
Reply:Are you surprised?!~!
Reply:Do you think this makes you seem like a good person? Because you are not.

Reply:My advise to others, listen not to what a man says, rather watch he actually does. If Al Gore is frightening you about global warming take my advice. If you see him boarding up his big house, if you see him park his private jet, if you see him carpooling, head for the hills! Otherwise, do not take anything he claims too seriously.

Imagine how much more information about global warming he has than you have. If he is still living carbon large, he must feel pretty comfortable doing so. This being the obvious case, do you think he is being truthful or not?


Is there any company call "NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMTED(NOGL)UK" exist at 4 Wendy Ramon street ES5S WRN london?

National Oil And Gas Limited (NOGL)and Partners has the mandate to procure technical and expatriate labour to complement local personnel and contractors in series of project presently about to commence by National Oil And Gas Limited (NOGL), and the Chevron Petroleum Corporation (CPC) Joint Venture known as the LNG Plus project.
Is there any company call "NATIONAL OIL AND GAS LIMTED(NOGL)UK" exist at 4 Wendy Ramon street ES5S WRN london?
You might get an answer, if you asked in Yahoo! United Kingdom Answers. Just click on the flag at the bottom of the page and you are there.

National Agents Alliance, is this a good company to work for?

First of all, you won't be working for National Agents Alliance. They are merely a lead generation company that sell leads to agents. There are good insurance companies they represent.

I did not have a good experience with NAA because the leads were overpriced for what they were. I did sell a few policies through their leads, but most weren't really that good.

This was a few years ago. Things may have changed since then.
scientific name

Cornerstone National Insurance Company, Nigeria?

kindly tell me if there is a genuine branch of Cornerstone National Insurance Company in Nigeria, since I got job offer from the same.
Cornerstone National Insurance Company, Nigeria?
Since you posted this to the USA board, it's not likely anyone here will know.
Reply:1. I think it is a scam. Most e-mail from Nigeria is scams. Most job offers sent to persons who do not even know if the employer exists are scams.

2. If you want to be sure contact Conerstone National Insurance Company. You may do so via electronic mail at Or if you prefer, call 888.735.5764 toll free during their normal business hours of 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (except holidays).
Reply:I think it is a scam also... unsolicited job offers are always scams..


To Avoid scams here is what i tell people...

All spam emails/unsolicited phone calls/letters and faxes are scams.

As a general rule - ANYTHING involving Western Union/money gram = Scam.

my Advice: Don't deal with anyone from a foreign country or Accept checks from strangers and never use wire/bank transfer services.. you risk losing your $$ and your mind.

Remember, if it sounds too good

to be true, it probably is! NEVER(ever) give out your personal information to strangers online or offline! Always be on guard.





Trying to find out the history of the National Art Company of N.Y.?;lr=%26amp;s...

Can a non-canadian (a national of the Netherlands) own a 100% of a company in Alberta?

Do you have a source?

Where can I read this info?

Thank you very much!
Can a non-canadian (a national of the Netherlands) own a 100% of a company in Alberta?

Canada is not one of the countries that would require you to "hire" a local owner.

However, if you do plan on doing this, spend a couple of months in Alberta, getting to know the people, and hire a VERY good book keeper and lawyer to watch-out for your interests.

Is Euro-PW Lotto Sweepstake National International Internet extra award program A legit company?

I received an email from them saying that I won something and i was wanting to know if their a real company? they didnt have a telephone # on the email either.
Is Euro-PW Lotto Sweepstake National International Internet extra award program A legit company?
No, it's probably a scam.

(Why would they be reluctant to put contact information in the letter? What are they trying to hide?)
family name

Which Gwent Manufacturing company made the national press in 2000 when its best selling product was featured?

Gwent is in South Wales!
Which Gwent Manufacturing company made the national press in 2000 when its best selling product was featured?
If you tell me the product, or the name of the movie that would help.
Reply:Are you doing th Gwent Healthcare NHS Trust quiz by any chance! I need this answer too!

Is the nba (national basketball assocation) a publically traded company?

and if so does anyone know their ticker symbol

or the NFL or MLB for that matter
Is the nba (national basketball assocation) a publically traded company?
no, the NBA is not publicly traded
Reply:I believe that they are not publically traded...i do know that the American Basketball Association (ABA) is.
Reply:No professional sports teams/associations/leagues are publicly traded. Sorry

I am certify as a national medical coder and would like to be able to work at home does any one know a company

There are real job listings on this website, some are remote (work from home).

Isn't National Heritage Insurance Company following the same directive created by its former corporate head?
Isn't National Heritage Insurance Company following the same directive created by its former corporate head?
dog names

National Modification Corp, is this company for legitmate?

Save your money! Survey said that 45% of these companies cannot change your monthly payment because the lender won't agree!

They don't do anything more than you can on your own! All they do is gather your finacials, assets and liabilities, and present the case to the lender. If the lender believes that lowering the interest rate (never the principal) will result in your staying current, they will do it. If they believe that you will still be unable to pay, they won't.

Real simple and straight forward.

BTW, did you know that 64% of loan modifications go to default within 6 months? All that does is delay the inevitable.
National Modification Corp, is this company for legitmate?
Loan modification companies are legitimate businesses, but you don't want to waste your time and money engaging one. First, they don't do anything that you yourself cannot do for free. Second, there is a growing list of lenders which are refusing to deal with such 'intermediary firms', working only directly with the borrower involved.

If you have having issues, contact the Loss Mitigation department at your lender to start the process of possibly modifying your mortgage loan to something more manageable. Be aware that you may or may not get what you are looking for, depending on your financial situation.

Isn't National Heritage Insurance Company exactly what is wrong with medicare?
Isn't National Heritage Insurance Company exactly what is wrong with medicare?

Has anyone found out yet if Ellson national finance is a legitimate company they ask for secured money up fron

If you are unsure, check out their Better Business Bureau rating.
Has anyone found out yet if Ellson national finance is a legitimate company they ask for secured money up fron

Never pay money upfront in order to secure a loan.

Here is what to watch for:

1) If they contacted you by email or through any message board, they are a SCAMMER.

2) If they are using a web based email address (Yahoo!, gmail, Hotmail, etc.) they are a SCAMMER.

3) If they ask you to pay ANY money upfront, they are a SCAMMER.

Is Fox News and the National Enquirer owned by the same company?

It seems to me that they have the same sort of following, mentally dimminished people that believe anything that is said by these to news sourse's. What do you say Repuke's are you a faux news junkie and read the National Enquirer to back up your idiocy.
Is Fox News and the National Enquirer owned by the same company?
My mother is unfortunately brainwashed into a Bill O'Reilly loving idiot. She believes every word that comes out of his mouth, and it's sickening.

Here's something that happened the other day:

I was walking past my mother (who was, of course, watching Bill O'Reilly), and I noticed a commercial that said the whole "Fair and Balanced" thing.

I said, "Bill is as fair and balanced as a man named Shaky giving a trophy to the worst in class." She didn't get it of course, so I said, "He's the worst guy on the news because everything he says is his own opinion, and he fights to the end if someone thinks otherwise. He says that THEY are wrong. Um, excuse me, Bill, but aren't you supposed to just report the news? You're not supposed to force your ideas and false beliefs down other people's throats."

So, you know what my mother says? She says, "Missi, you're so left."

"It's not like left is wrong, " I said, and (of course) she tells me that left is wrong.

So, I told her, "at least I think when I'm getting caught up on the news." Then, I left the kitchen and went to my room to listen to NPR (which has incredibly good news).

So, that may not answer your question, but that's my thought about FOX. They aren't fair. They aren't balanced. And they're liers.

Yes, I went there. lol.

Reply:actually diminished is spelled as such rather than 'dimminished' just for those of you who are not. no actually the national enquirer is owned by know those democraps and liberalnutcases....

sounds silly doesn't it, kind of like your post...let me ask you why do all liberals and democrats think name calling makes them appear more intelligent, why do they do that anyway...most people agree, whether they are democrat or republican that those who throw bombs and resort to immature name calling do so because they just have no argument. they are like petulant children saying 'nah,nah, nah, nah....nah, nah'
Reply:You also spelled sources wrong

gonna cry some more??


That's what I thought you'd say Liberal Swine.BOOHOO Thanks for once again proving me right
dog names

has anyone out there heard of a company called national?

correction....national homeworkers assoc. in eugene oregon?
has anyone out there heard of a company called national?
I've heard of them. Not that familiar with them. As far as I know they are legit.

Is schneider national a good company to drive for?

I'm not a truck driver, but I have heard they are one of the best.
Is schneider national a good company to drive for?
Wonderful school. Best around if you ask me and hubby. BUT after the hire on/school contact is up LEAVE!

Don't get stuck there! Unless you like never being home, getting low pay, and being lied to. Report Abuse

Reply:I am a driver for Schneider. It depends on where you are from and what area you want to drive. Report Abuse

Should we believe over THE NATIONAL LOTTERY UK or is it a fake company?

Dont believe it. According to emails I have received from them, I have won this lottery around 50 times. I put it in my scam folder along with all the emails wanting to give me money because a rich person has died.
Should we believe over THE NATIONAL LOTTERY UK or is it a fake company?
Sorry friend but there is no internet 颅e-mail lottery, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information.

.Also If you go to the following link you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful
Reply:To get it you must give your bank account number for it to be put into whereby they clean you out with a happy smile.

I've won some 35 million $ but I let them keep it. Replying to it or any may get you on a list for more fake winnings.

Nobody can win a lottery without entering it first.

If you send me only $1000 security deposit I will give you a deed to own all of England but then all its problems may be yours too unless you send me another thousand to save you from that.

If you dont like England I'll even refund all your money.
Reply:The National Lottery is a 100% legitimate lottery based in the UK.

However, there are thousands of spam email sent out every day from people pretending to represent them. These are all bogus.

The only way to win the lottery in the UK, is to buy a ticket and then get lucky. There is no lottery in the world that pays random people who have not paid to play.
Reply:Thats a big scam. They just want you to send them your name address, phone numbers, e-mails, and anything else they can trick you out of.
Reply:it is definitely fake! some of those are money laundering for drugs, some are just trying to get information about you
Reply:it is scam of course

Deutch Sol Agency is there a company in london that represents the national lottery named camelot?

Iwas contacted by George White at Natwest Bank PLC.U.K. saying I won 891,934 Pounds in the national lottery drawing but I have to send 550 Pounds to open a bank account to get my winnings transferred to the U.S. is this on the up and up or a scam ?
Deutch Sol Agency is there a company in london that represents the national lottery named camelot?
Yes it's a scam alrighty.

Reply:Ah, I see there has been another mistake in the email department.

Don't send them the money, contact me and I will only charge 拢500 for exactly the same service.

You don't get out much, do you?
Reply:I'd really try to meet this chap personally so i could bite off his nose
Reply:It is scam. Yahoo (insert any company name here, this answer works for all!) do not run an email lottery, if they did you could guarantee it would be advertised all over their home page. Check out these links and search answers to see how many people 'win' the exact same lottery every day

Do not click on any links, the page you will be taken to will look authentic but is not

Do not send them a 'courier fee' or any other money

Do not hand over any bank details or passwords

Do report spam

Do delete

Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch. You cannot win a lottery if you haven ot bought a ticket. Anyone can set up an email account with Yahoo, they can use any combination of letters they choose. I could be '' or '' That doesn't mean that I am either of these and is fine as long as I don't try to use the address to mislead people. Don't be fooled by legitimate looking email addresses which end the same way as any other free account, don't be fooled by fictitious titles such as 'Dr' or 'Executive Director of Winner Claims'.

(I've answered this question so many times that I now keep this answer on my desktop and just copy and paste....that should give you a clue!)

Sorry to be the harbinger of bad news.
Reply:I was contacted as well, I would not send them the money. I am concerned that they ask for the valid id number as well.DEUTCH SOL AGENCY . A division of Overseassecuritiesbvorg.

(Representative, security, marketing, cooperate investment agent).


26 Stanhope RoadBest wishes,

Fred Martins

Foreign Services Manager,

Payment and Release order





Kent CT14 6AD London

United Kingdom

Is this what it looked like?
fantasy name

Confirmation of British National Oil Company UK.?

I received appointment letter from British National Oil Company, a Petroleum Engineer. He demanded 1050 ponds as processing fee for visa , its is fake or true Please guide me.....
Confirmation of British National Oil Company UK.?
This is a scam. Do not send any money. There is no job. This is a scam.

Do a Google search on "british national oil company"+scam for information on many other people who have been targeted by this same scam.
Reply:A really obvious scam so carry on with your life. There is no such company.



You did not enter the UK Lottery so you can't have won it.

The UK Lottery does not e-mail winners. You have to collect your winnings from their office.The Phone number is a personnel number and can be diverted to any phone in the world.

Delete the e-mail you received, this will only end up costing you money.
I would say a scam to be honest. If you go over to and ask they will be able to tell you for definite.

Who is mohamed iliaz a. kureshi of emirates national oil company?

Who cares who he is man, but Dubai is the bomb party town in the middle east. All the babes from europe and and u.s. go this guys back yard to party down. Oh man if i had money i would visit Dubai and partyyyyyyy down. Love that oil money. oh ya

National Insurance Agency A good company to work for?

Never heard of 'em.
name common

National Wholesale Company?

Has anyone else been scamed by this company. If not DUE NOT PAY FOR THERE SERVICE!
National Wholesale Company?
Yes... they have been ripping off people for a long time. Look here:

A company sent my name to national credit department to be black listed for no reason can i sue them?

i ordered some stuff from this company, i wanted to finace it but i cancled the order b'cos this good was not delieverd on time. after 2 years my credit report shows that i have 拢2500 unpaid dept.
A company sent my name to national credit department to be black listed for no reason can i sue them?
YOU CAN SUE FOR ANYTHING, BAR NONE! However, if you can show there is no good reason for their untrue and negative written statement about you they shared with another party, then you have good grounds for a liable suit. Further, if you can show you have suffered injury or damages as a result, then you have a very strong case.

WARNING: The courts are secretly biased towards corporations and lawyers/barristers will only take you for your money. If you want to persue this I would do it myself or retain on a strict contingency basis only.
Reply:Dont think you can sue. You will have to work out with company.
Reply:you can't cancel an order after it has been shipped

Is there an old insurance company called washington national. last known in illionois in 1977?

this wpuld be life insurance policies
Is there an old insurance company called washington national. last known in illionois in 1977?
Washington National Ins Co

Address: 1750 E Golf Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173

Phone: (847) 995-0400
Reply:historical companies usally keep track of stuff like this

they do in pa if the company is older than 50 yrs old

most of them are

Does the company called national oil & gas limited in UK exists?

Does the company called national oil %26amp; gas limited in UK exists?
Google or Yahoo search it!

Reply:no idea
girl name

Is National City Bank a good company to work for?

It is a professionally managed organization with excellent systems !!

They are involved in Personal Banking,Business Banking,Commercial Banking and also involved in Providing comprehensive, integrated wealth management solutions to affluent individuals and their families.

It is one of the top ten financial institutions in the country.

Is their any company named as trans national diplomatic services 5, virginia street, ever ton city london?

the exact address of the company is as follows



5 virginia- street, everton city, london E91 1XY, UNITED KINGDOM.
Is their any company named as trans national diplomatic services 5, virginia street, ever ton city london?
yeah, James Bond works there
name latin

The Title company I work for has begun pulling all its money out of National City because they fear it will?

fail. They're putting it in local banks that don't do mortgages. How bad is this going to get?
The Title company I work for has begun pulling all its money out of National City because they fear it will?
Thanks for the tip. Let me go close my account there right now.

And to answer your question, yeah, this is going to get much worse. There's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that we common-folk don't know about, and won't know about, until it splashes across the front page.

I wish there were some lobbying group out there looking out for us!
Reply:Well, considering that they are no longer servicing Student Loans right now, I'd imagine that it'll get much much worse. It all depends on how many Credit and Mortgage accounts are going into Collections. If they are not getting their debt replayed by the consumer, because of the condition of the Credit Market, then they're in for a pretty bumpy ride. However, I don't think National City will go under. They pretty much jumped onto the Credit Situation when it became a real problem.
Reply:That sounds like bad news.

I think people are just gullible enough to panic.

It's like the liberals being fearful that global warming will kill them; but Mohammed Atta is completely harmless.
Reply:No one knows for sure how bad this will get. Economists have been saying for a while that the economy will get substantially worse before it gets better.
Reply:Democrat will save us, Sofie is a name of a comedian,
Reply:Sofie, If what you posted is true, and if your boss finds out, you are history. Use some common sense!

Sponsorship for aliens- are there any companies in st. petersburg,fl that sponsors german nationals?

my daughter wants to live here in the states and needs a company to sponsor her for her green card
Sponsorship for aliens- are there any companies in st. petersburg,fl that sponsors german nationals?
Only an immediate blood relative (parent, sibling, adult child) can sponsor an immigrant. If she has at least a baccalaureate degree and two years' post-baccalaureate experience in her field, she could apply for jobs. If an employer wants to hire her, and is willing and able to obtain labor certification (proof there are no Americans qualified and available for the job), then apply for an employment visa, she could come on a temporary employment visa. An H1-b visa (the most popular program) can be good for up to 3 years, and can be extended once for up to 3 more years.

If the employer wants to keep her beyond that, the employer can then sponsor her green card. The sponsor has to guarantee employment or support for 10 years to apply for the green card. Few (and ever fewer) employers are willing and able to do that.

Considering that unemployment is now rising at the fastest rate since the Depression, this is not a good time to look for a job in the US. It is becoming very difficult for employers to prove there are no Americans qualified and available for the job when there are millions out of work and looking for jobs.

Also, the 2009 employment visas have already been issued, and the applications are being submitted for 2010 starting next week. The earliest she could be considered for now is Fiscal Year 2011.

It is irrelevant what country she comes from -- they are all treated the same. The plain truth is the job market is terrible, and many companies are not renewing employment visas or are laying off their foreign employees mid-term in their visa. In either case, the employee must return to their own country immediately at their own expense. Visas are automatically cancelled when an employee is terminated/fired/laid off.
Reply:don't know... how about a working visa instead of a green card, same thing, but she gets to work instead.

I am a national sales and marketiung recruiter for a Fortune 500 CPG company. Where should I blog to network?

You can start a blog on or another hosted blog service for free, or you can purchase a domain name and hosting and then install blogging software such as Wordpress or Movable Type.

Once you have a blog, try to post every day. In order to network with other bloggers, you can visit blogs related to your company's interests and leave comments frequently. Many bloggers who receive comments from you will visit your blog in return.
I am a national sales and marketiung recruiter for a Fortune 500 CPG company. Where should I blog to network?
For all the latest information on blog, blogging, and corporate blogs, you need Click Z. They provide the facts on who, what, where, when, and how. Statistics on productivity, demographics, and FAQs, if that weren't enough.

I have worked for this national rental car company for a couple of years, the operator of my store was fired

she was the owner operator of a store that is part of a major national chain. I have been offered first shot at becoming the new owner operator. They have told me it will take about $2500-$3000 to take over, I have to get an LLC, workmans comp, and I am not sure what else. They have said that my credit is going to be a factor. Can anyone try and explain what I need to expect to do to get this and what about my credit, how big of a deal is that and what for. ?
I have worked for this national rental car company for a couple of years, the operator of my store was fired
You are being offered the chance to be a franchisee. Sounds like a great opportunity. Do a search on the internet for the company that you work for and franchising and you will find a few companies with info on what they expect. You really need a attorney to write up your LLC. The Workman's comps can be obtained from an insurance broker who specializes in business insurance. Your credit is a factor in everything now. They want to know how much in debt you are and overall if you have good credit. People with good credit are deemed to be more responsible.

Ask questions and before you sign anything, and most importantly consult with an attorney to review all docs for you before you hand over any money or sign any contracts.

Good Luck
most popular name

Been done over by company for tax and national ins.?

I worked for a company for two and a half years only to find out they have never paid any tax or nat. ins. Does anyone know if legally i can do something. They have done it with about 16 members of staff also. help....
Been done over by company for tax and national ins.?
report it to your tax office asap
Reply:Very easy, just report them anonymously to the tax office and they'll quickly send someone to investigate without them being prepared to hide. sorry you got scammed.
Reply:Very illegal. In fact is is theft and a criminal offence. Report it immediately. To the tax people or the police. It is important that you establish that your paye and your nhs contributions were stopped from your pay.
Reply:They didn't pay your tax and NI, or their own corporation tax and NI? If yours, then you will still owe HMRC but you can probably do a deal to pay it in installments. If theirs, then you need to be pretty sure of your facts before you shop the company. Good luck.


see website.

Is this name of company or entity legitimate or scam? BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY?

It's a scam, I always get those kind of emails saying I won the British lottery...of course I knew I didn't, how can I win when I haven't even been there...
Is this name of company or entity legitimate or scam? BRITISH NATIONAL LOTTERY?
lts a scam
Reply:Scam...That's the one my cousin got and he sent his money and personal information to "claim his prize"...Yeah, complete bull!

Is d launching of product on national or international level ,the internal or external policy of a company?

hey plz tell me d answer of this as soon as possible... as im bit confused..
Is d launching of product on national or international level ,the internal or external policy of a company?

I have a lot of experience marketing small companies online (I have 3 companies). One of the best ways is to sign up at business directories and protals. These are basically listings of businesses (simliar to the phone book). The advantage is that these portals usually get a lot of traffic and they're ranked high on Google because of all the quality links they contain.

My favorite portal is called Directory Exclusive. I signed up a few weeks ago because they're giving a away a free business card holder when a person enter's their company info. I received it in the mail 3 days ago =)

I don't know if they still have that promotion, but you can try to get the free card holder here:

Good Luck
jewish name

Is asp national a real company or is this a scam?, this is the site you have to check when you look at job postings like that. lots of these companies are ridiculous and they are basically door to door sales jobs. My friend and I did this for like a week. they pay you no money for gas, you use your own car to drive to these locations and proceed to interrupt peoples dinners to sell things like verizon fios and each person you ACTUALLY sell it to it takes 45 mins to complete a sale and you get like 20 dollars. this may sound like 20 dollars an hour but you dont make a sale every hour. Its a very easy job to get because they accept everyone. there is a reason why. just check it out and be careful, you might lose a real job opportunity to take this scam job. 200 beans a week man. thats it. Oh by the way, you get terminated if you dont sell their crappy products.
Is asp national a real company or is this a scam?
Are you talking about the offer below? Or anything similar? Don't fall for it, it's a scam.

* Compensation: average $200- $800 weekly

* Telecommuting is ok.

* OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities

* OK for recruiters to contact this job poster.

* Phone calls about this job are ok.

* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Reply:Depends what "ASP" you are talking about... there are many legitimate companies and associations with this acronym.

When is EA Sports or some other software company going to introduce Augusta National Golf?

they won't, that's why you never see it on TWG or any golf game. Augusta will not sell the rights for someone to re-create the course..... Sorry.

The Effect that Coca Cola Company has on the national economies?

The Effect that Coca Cola Company has on the national economies
The Effect that Coca Cola Company has on the national economies?
In India they opened up and bought existing plants/companies, this kept jobs there and created new ones.

If you go to the Coca-Cola web site you can find lots of info.

Is there such company as National online Lottery in the u.k?

This is the only website for the only National Lottery in the UK. Anything else is fake and probably trying to scam you out of your money. Check out their Common Scams page:

If they are telling you that you have won a prize and asking for your bank details, report it.
Is there such company as National online Lottery in the u.k? - National Lottery has an online website, the draws are featured on BBC Saturday and Wednesday.

If you're asking because for something recieved through email many scams claim to be an 'online' lottery to a certain country, I think there is an English/British/UK one circulating where you have won millions.

At the end of the day, if you haven't bought a ticket, you haven't won!
first name

Been done over by company for tax and national ins.?

I worked for a company for two and a half years only to find out they have never paid any tax or nat. ins. Does anyone know if legally i can do something. They have done it with about 16 members of staff also. help....
Been done over by company for tax and national ins.?
wow...are they still trading...go to your tax office and tell them asap.
Reply:You should have payslips or a P 60 to prove they have deducted PAYE and NI from your wage/salary.

Inform your local Inland Revenue office immediately.

Unfortunately the companies owners could end up in jail or at least banned from being company directors, so you may be looking for a new job.

Hope it dosen`t reach that point, good luck.
Reply:wow,,no they have been caught out but maybe you could claim it back somehow good luck..
Reply:Did they actually show a deduction on your payslip and what about your P60.....If it has been deducted from your wage then you should not be liable....the employer should have to pay up.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Find the National Life and Accident insurance company of Nashville, Tennessee?

It was taken over by the American General Corporation in the early 1980's. Here's AGC's web site:
Find the National Life and Accident insurance company of Nashville, Tennessee?
It is now part of American General Life %26amp; Accident of Nashville. They are easy to find.

What is Levis Company's stand on the National Rifle Association?

The NRA aside, Levi Strauss does support organisations such as PAX that strip us of the right to self-defence. Popular companies/celebrities/groups always attempt to sugar-coat gun control as “reasonable measures” to insure the safety of innocents, but the choice is theirs --and yours-- wouldn’t you rather see innocent people learn to defend themselves and watch crime rates plummet (as thugs will be running scared!), or would you rather see millions more assaults, rapes and murders? Go look in the mirror and ask yourself that.

One of my basic human rights is to defend myself, because, for instance, no man has the right to rape me. The power-hungry can say whatever they want to their fans or to the NRA (of which I am NOT a member), but the sad fact is, if they advocate gun control, they don’t care if you live or die.

That is why I don’t buy Levis.
What is Levis Company's stand on the National Rifle Association?
Last I knew Levis favors Gun Control but I dunno if they said anything to the NRA but the NRA definetly boycotts Levis for sure.

Last Wednesday a well known national gas company sent round a engineer to fit a mixer valve and do a safety...

inspection on the boiler. When he fitted the valve he didn't tighten the nut on the valve properly and when the water was turned on, it flooded the cupboard that contains the boiler. He then claimed it wasn't that at all and it was in fact a slow leak (which was disproved by two other engineers, one independent and one from the same company). He then proceeded to do the safety inspection on the boiler. On completion he said there was a small leak on the safety valve and places a plastic lid underneath it until it could be fixed. He then left. At this point my son came home (As I was about to leave the house) He went into the toilet where the boiler is just as the plastic lid caught fire.

The engineer was irresponsible, rude and could have cost my son his life and caused a house fire along with lying about the leak.

It has been suggested to me that I should seek compensation, what is the best way to go about this and how much am I likely to receive?
Last Wednesday a well known national gas company sent round a engineer to fit a mixer valve and do a safety...
This is a civil matter so wouldn't be investigated by the Police. The law and ethics section may provide a better answer.

I would suggest writing to the Gas company explaining what happened and asking for them to investigate the matter. That would be your best starting point.

I'm not suggesting that you would but make sure that you are not abusive in your letter or any phone calls as this will get you nowhere. Be to the point about what happened and how you felt as a result and explain that you feel very let down by their apparent lack of service and customer care.

Putting a complaint in writing is always the best way to do it as you then have some proof that you have complained. If you want to be really sure then send the letter by recorded delivery. If they don't respond, send another letter referring to the first with a copy enclosed.

If you aren't satisfied with the response that you get then write and tell them! The complaint will eventually be resolved if you 鈥榢eep at it鈥?

I have complained about a similar matter in the past with an 'engineer' who couldn't perform a simple central heating timer replacement. This resulted in compensation of the cost of the timer, that I had installed myself and an apology.

Good luck with it
Reply:Speak to your local trading standards office. Details at I used them when certain high street PC retailer messed me about and they were very helpful indeed. As soon as they got involved all of a sudden the shop became very helpful. Alternatively if you're looking for revenge how about going onto the BBC website and referring him to Rogue Traders, he might be doing this all the time.
Reply:Either hire a lawyer, or write to the company chairman directly
Reply:Negligence is the factor here,, Unless the fire destroyed your

home completely or left portions in shambles with great

expense to repair, and your son was injured Physically

by the incident, your not going to get a dime. I would advise

you to contact a local Hook em crook em and cheat em

ambulance chaser, they might address this issue, However

on the surface and to the extent you asked the Question

you have no case.