Saturday, November 7, 2009

You have just been given permission to interview God for a national newspaper company. You are allowed to?

ask two questions only. what would they be? At the end of your question you must answer one of His questions. What would He ask you?
You have just been given permission to interview God for a national newspaper company. You are allowed to?
1. Can you please tell me all of the details of the creation of the universe?

2. Can you please tell me what you did before you created the universe?

Perhaps He would ask me:

What have you done to glorify Me?
Reply:So God, When is Jesus coming?

God, did you have enough compassion on me so I'll make it into Heaven?

God would perhaps say to me.....I want you to be the leader of my protection team, for the new (worlds) especially after Satan's release of his 1000years rein.
Reply:Will you forgive me?

If "yes" can you extend this forgiveness to the rest of humanity if I relinquish my own?

Who do you think you are?
Reply:I would not ask me anything...I already know it all. I figure if I wants me to know, I will tell me...So, I don't have anything I would ask him. On second thought...I might ask me to do the interview with the paper for him.
Reply:I would ask him

1) Dear lord, I have a chunk of pork in my mouth, and I am not planning on chewing it. How long will it take for the chunk of pork to deteriorate on its own?

2) May I ask you another question?

I'm pretty sure he'd want to ask me how I stay so damned sexy.
Reply:1. What is the true nature of the afterlife? Heaven, Hell, Angels etc.

2. What is the true history of the earth? Dinosaurs, Adam and Eve etc.

His question

When are you truly going to come unto me, and live my commandments
Reply:Why have so many suffered horrific deaths in your name?

If you created life, why is being slaughtered one of the only ways to get to heaven?

What would God ask me? Why didn't I value every life in this world? I weep for those I know, but shed few tears for those a world away.

If your God, can you make a rock so heavy that not even you can pick it up?


If your God, why do you always hide away when the whole world is in turmoil?

His Q:

Are you just dreaming this or is it real?

Who's right?

I beleive that is really up to god, but the question I would like him to ask is "How did you know?"
Reply:sorry, you are unable to approach the Lord our God as He is Holy. You can only approach Him through Christ Our Lord and Saviour
Reply:i would ask:

1) what can i do for you?

thats all, i think.

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