Saturday, November 7, 2009

My company [a national company] is now asking us to close the store alone without a second person because it w

ants to save on labor dollars. It is a slow period because of the warmer weather. This will save one hour a night for them. We suggested just having the last person in an hour later, so they can save the hour, and we can still close with two people for security purposes, but they say no because that extra person during reg bus hours generates more income for them. So in other words screw our safety at midnight, but generate the dollars....My question is, is this something that could be taken to a lawyer if I were fired for not complying to work alone? What would happen if I were robbed and hurt? Could my spouse sue the company? I don't understand why for their own security they don't feel it important to have 2 closing people? This business is located on the corner of town, it has big look in plate glass windows, it would mean leaving myself into a dark parking lot at midnight each night. What are my choices? I have worked here 9 years and I am crushed that they would be so harsh just
My company [a national company] is now asking us to close the store alone without a second person because it w
Uh....just do it. If you get fired for worring about something that never happend, you'll be out of luck.

If you get robbed, your company policy is to hand them whatever they want. IF you get injured after that, they have insurance.

I'd do it and job hunt; but I tend to be practical about such things

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