Saturday, November 7, 2009

Why do they use the queens head on British stamps when the Royal Mail is not even a national company?

I.E are we democracy or republic. And what can we do to stop the onslaught? Its a bout time the queen gave up her throne anyway... Its only a matter of time. We will give her a good pension and a great retirment party if thats whats she wants. But it is going to happen.. The sooner the better.. ....No hard Majesty. as long as you give us our palaces and treasures and money we will let you retire gracefully.............anyone else agree.

Star if you do
Why do they use the queens head on British stamps when the Royal Mail is not even a national company?
and this is a LGBT question?

must of been yahoo with the word queen..
Reply:might have something to do with the fact that stamps are legal tender... same reason the queens head is on bank notes and coins.

did you know talking about disbanding the monarchy is treason, and we are technically at war so really, you should by law be shot.

Besides, getting rid of the monarchy didn't work last time we tried it, why should it be better now?

(oh, and the nation couldn't afford to keep the palaces etc, she funds alot of the maintinence out of the money she makes out of horses)
Reply:Sorry...I disagree. And I'm an American. What you have in the monarchy is thousands of years of heritage, pomp, circumstance, and an authority figure of whom the nation can be proud. Do not judge her by her family, judge her on HER actions...she got in there during WWII and did her part, she's tried to facilitate peace, and regardless of what you think, there are those who admire and respect her.

My question to you is: what onslaught? For the past 20 years there's been talk of disbanding the monarchy...have you no national pride? And what's with the "our palaces and treasures and money" line? Obviously you're too young to remember "By her grace."

Why is she on the British stamps? Because she IS Elizabeth II.
Reply:I'm a Canadian...she's still on our stamps and money and she is still our queen as well.
Reply:hypocracy comes to mind.why do you think the government dare not have a poll on keeping the monarchy.i think you know what that answer would be.
Reply:It is not illegal to send a letter in the UK with a stamp which doesn't contain the queens head, I received a letter from a young relative with a stamp with Postman Pat on it, a toy stamp.

But that was only due to the generousity of spirit of some royal mail workers. If you do not put a proper stamp, with the queens head on, they can charge for delivery of the letter or package to the people receiving it.

The Queens head is as good as any mark to authenticate the genuine postage stamps, from the others.

And I think the Royal Mail works nationally as well as across borders with other companies.
Reply:is she a lesbian now!! geez, the world just isnt straight anymore.. look better on loo roll though to answer the question...
Reply:I think it is disgraceful to even contemplate getting rid of the monarchy. Our number 1 attraction for tourism is our Royal heritage and family. As our head of state the Queen has more respect than any politician will ever have. The fact that even Australia voted to keep the Queen as its figurehead shows how highly she is regarded around the world and you sit there moaning !!! So no I do not agree with you and you treasonous comments!!
Reply:Cos she owns the company that makes the glue.

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